
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

LETTERS - Unity, Chiluba & Healthcare

Pan - Africanism
By Bamo,Namibia
Tuesday July 10, 2007 [04:00]

I want to comment on the formation of the African governments.
In the 1960s we created nations which we did not tailor according to our social, economic and cultural patterns.

We have failed to run our own affairs because of employing western trends. Now because of the advancement, the West has attained in terms of social- economic integration, we think that it is a fashionable thing and want to forget our own people and go ahead and to form an African government.

Africans have not yet even grasped the concept of nationalism and we want to move them to Pan- Africanism. Power without the people is not power at all.

Chiluba's utterances
By Moses Mbawo
Tuesday July 10, 2007 [04:00]

I have been following stories related to former president Chiluba and the London judgment. The utterances attributed to FTJ in Sunday Post have really upset me because it is becoming very evident that he is now taking the people of Zambia for granted.

One does not need to go to a law school to know that money, and I mean a lot of money, was stolen from the people of this country. It upsets me to hear him talk of US$10, 000 which he gave to his child as if it were petty cash, when countless of Zambians died in hospitals as a result of his recklessness during his tenure as head of state. He now refers to other people as ‘dogs’? My goodness! Does he really want to know what I think of him?

FTJ, you have been found guilty of defrauding the people of Zambia, and even if you rattle like an empty can, we want our money back. And please keep quiet.

Levy's message to the West
By Jenkins Chison
Tuesday July 10, 2007 [04:00]

I hope I have understood Levy’s message to the West correctly and wish him the best of luck but time will tell. In the meantime please try to protect our lowly paid Zambian workers from the cruelty of the Chinese investors. Shutting your eyes to such naked cruelty is a crime against our own people.

As long as our leaders continue to put faith in outsiders for development, real development will forever elude us. China’s investment is flowing into our country today and when China walks out tomorrow, we shall still be in the same position the West left us in at independence.

Fellow citizens, we are in trouble with our politicians. We are not getting anywhere at all. Our universities would have given us answers, but our professors and researchers are too hungry to think about real tools for our national development.

They need salary increases and the government doesn't have the money because clever Chiluba has spent it on designer suits and shoes.

Improve health delivery
By Kalito
Tuesday July 10, 2007 [04:00]

It is so saddening for an ordinary Zambian such as myself to see the injustice of sending some so-called high-profile citizens to South Africa for treatment at the expense of the ordinary people who need specialist treatment.

We are told each time this act is undertaken that it is our right as citizens to be sent for treatment. This right seems to be very elusive to say the least.

We endured FJT for a decade and Levy for almost 6 years. What difficulty is our government facing in encouraging such Monringside-style investment in our country? I have heard the President talk about mines, agriculture, and so on but never about such facilities.

It would be commendable if a delegation of some civil servants went on a fact-finding mission and learn about how such facilities are possible and hold a series of local workshops on how to replicate that here.

At least I will say that is my tax money well spent. What is it that we are missing here?

If it is too late perhaps in the next budget, blanket incentives may be given such as zero-rating of duties on medical equipment, tax holidays for construction of medical centres with a prescribed design, and so forth. I am told in the KK days there was a VIP clinic somewhere in Woodlands area. What happened to it? Out of 11 million people, how many of us will go to Morningside?

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