
Friday, July 13, 2007

Levy has ruined sikota’s political career – Sata

Levy has ruined sikota’s political career – Sata
By Bivan Saluseki
Friday July 13, 2007 [04:00]

President Levy Mwanawasa has ruined United Liberal Party (ULP) president Sakwiba Sikota's political career, Patriotic Front president Michael Sata said yesterday. But Sikota opted not to comment on Sata's statement over his reconciliation with President Mwanawasa. Sata said President Mwanawasa had a tendency of using and dumping people and the reconciliation between him and Sikota was not genuine.

"He is ruining the young man's political career. We don't know what opposition leg he will stand on," Sata said.

He said President Mwanawasa had confirmed PF's fears over Sikota.

"As a lawyer, he (Sikota) will always represent us. But politically, we will regard him as another appendix to MMD. We will think twice when dealing with him," said Sata.

During the 2006 general election, Sikota and Sata had entered into a pact and when PF was leading in most provinces, Sikota even declared he would be Sata’s vice-president.

Sata said he now knew ULP’s position. He said Sikota’s ULP had violently been opposing PF’s stand on Katele Kalumba’s participation in the Zambia Centre for Inter party Dialogue (ZCID). Sata said Kalumba’s hands were dirty and should not be on ZCID. However, Sikota said legally Kalumba was innocent until proven guilty. He said he even risked being debarred by the Law Association of Zambia if he started presuming people guilty and asking them to prove their innocence.

Sikota said even Sata was facing court cases bordering on defamation . But Sata said his cases were political while those for Kalumba were outright corruption. However, Sikota said there had been reports of thousands of dollars being confiscated by South African security personnel from Sata and no one had raised an issue.

“Was there anything political about that case? What kind of politics would the South Africans want from him?” asked Sikota.

Sikota said Sata had once faced charges of motor vehicle theft and despite going to court at that time, he was not barred from participating in elections. Sikota said there had also been issues of Sata going to Malawi but he had not raised contentions. He said there must be fairness.

“At which point do you draw the line? You can’t have it both ways,” he said.

Sikota said legal issues should be separated from moral issues and that the ZCID had its own structures, which he believed would handle the Kalumba’s issue.

On Sata’s statement that President Mwanawasa was ruining him, Sikota said he would comment today.

But Sata said Sikota was speaking the language of President Mwanawasa.

He said if Sikota was looking for a job, he should just get it with both hands instead of hiding in reconciliation.

Sata said the reconciliation had proved the MMD meeting, which was held and resolved to look for someone from Western Province to replace President Mwanawasa.

Sata said it was blasphemy for President Mwanawasa to compare himself to God.This was in reference to the group picture which they had during the president’s summit over the Constitution.
“Which crazy God can look like him? He is equating himself to God. That is the problem with him. He thinks he is God, which God can look like him? That is why he is even so rigid over the Constitution because he thinks he is God,” he said.

“He says that he looked like God and I looked like Jesus. Listen, I sat there like a head of state. He looked like a regional secretary. He was so excited to sit next to me. He has even delayed to go to England because I cured him by sitting there. It was a therapy. I never said anything to him but he was smiling. He was so excited.”
Sata said PF had built the ZCID although political mercenaries wanted to hijack it.

“We are still part of it on condition that Katele leaves because his hands are dirty,” he said.

Sata said it was him, UNIP’s Njekwa Anamela and Heritage Party’s Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda that started the dialogue process though it had now been hijacked.

He said PF was the strongest political party with members of parliament of high calibre who should not just be written off.
“Levy should know that we are even represented in his own government. We are 50 steps ahead of him. He would not succeed hoodwinking us,” he said.


  1. Politics of poverty.

    Zambian politicians have no credibility whatsover. I think it is definitely poverty.

    Panji, Nevers & Sikota are positioning themselves for the large cake.

    Very sad indeed...

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM


    Panji, Nevers, Sikota and the likes may be positioning themselves for the lion's share of the cake but they will be lucky to even taste nano crumbs, Zambians never forgive turncoats. Besides it is too early to even start contemplating plot 1, learn from Sarkozy of France. He faught the Socialists, won on UMP ticket but brain drained the same socialist he fought and seems comfortable with the situation, not only does he have the cake but also the cream and the confettis. He's has both worlds in his hand. The leaders mentioned above are have been(s), Zambia will need a Sarkozy and it will happen. Levy is enjoying the masquerade. He will do just what Chiluba did, appoint or is it annoint (going by the christian trend) a new comer to the detriment of freeloaders who are just too many!

