
Monday, July 30, 2007

Oasis Forum to notify police on planned demonstrations

Oasis Forum to notify police on planned demonstrations
By Inonge Noyoo
Monday July 30, 2007 [04:01]

THE Oasis Forum will today officially notify the police of its planned demonstrations and petitioning of the SADC heads of state during next month's summit. Oasis Forum spokesperson Musa Mwenye said the preparations for the planned demonstration over the government’s delay in enacting a new constitution, had started. Mwenye said the Oasis Forum had attempted to serve the notice to the police yesterday but was advised that the Lusaka acting commanding officer would only be in the office today.

According to the notification letter, Mwenye stated that the Oasis Forum and the Collaborative Group on the Constitution (CGC) intended to conduct a march from the Kabwe roundabout at Zesco Limited to Mulungushi International Conference Centre to highlight to the SADC heads of state the Zambian civil society’s dissatisfaction with the Zambian government’s handling of the constitution making process.

Mwenye stated that the demonstrations have been planned daily from August 13 to August 17, 2007 from 10:00 hours to 14:00 hours.

“We intend to have at least 80 marshals in clearly marked attire to control the marchers and give you our assurances that like the demonstration that was held on July 19, 2007 the planned march will be peaceful. We intend to maintain observance of the law and order during the planned march,” read the notification letter in part.

And Mwenye has appealed to all Zambians to seize the opportunity to speak through their actions. He said the SADC summit would accord Zambia a good opportunity to highlight the constitutional difficulties Zambia has been facing, particularly the disappointment at the manner government had been handling the constitution making process.

“It will accord a good opportunity for other presidents within the region who have successfully undergone the constitution-making process to advise President Mwanawasa on how to give expression to the will of the people in this very important process,” he said.

Mwenye said the Law Association of Zambia through its legislation committee would constitute a team of lawyers to take care of any legal contingencies over the planned demonstrations.

The government is however opposed to the planned demonstrations. Home affairs minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha last week urged the Oasis Forum to leave the SADC heads of state alone. Foreign affairs minister Mundia Sikatana said the constitution-making process was an internal issue that should be left to the Zambians.

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