
Friday, July 13, 2007

Panji resigns from UNIP

Panji resigns from UNIP
By Sandra Lombe
Thursday July 12, 2007 [04:01]

EASTERN Province UNIP chairperson Colonel Panji Kaunda has resigned from both his position and the party. Col Panji, who was also UDA Eastern Province chairperson, said in a telephone interview from Chadiza yesterday that his resignation was because UNIP lacked a vision and unity.

"I have resigned. Yes I resigned, I sent in my resignation letter on Saturday. I could not compromise that (unity)," he said.

Col Panji said he was not happy with the Kapoche by-election differences between UNIP and UDA.

"We had resolved to support Charles Banda but the leaders decided to go behind my back to discuss with my junior officers and put another person," he said. "My provincial secretary Christopher Phiri has also resigned. He resigned on Saturday after he got my message that I have resigned."

He said he could still support UDA and campaign for it as a freelancer. Col Panji said the people in the province had been disappointed with his move.

"I can still campaign for anybody as a freelancer. Joining another party will come later," he said. "UNIP is not going anywhere. It has lost vision. I can't follow when someone is going in the bush."

He said he would spend time consulting before he could get take the next step. Col Panji said he was of the view of finding a way of UNIP working together with others but that had not been recognised. He expressed pessimism that UNIP would do well in the next general elections.

"I am looking at today and tomorrow, I don't want to be pushed," he said.

However, Col Panji said he had nothing against his brother Tilyenji, who is UNIP president.

"As politicians we have nothing in common, but I will speak to him as a brother because I can't change that," Col Panji said.

"The Kapoche election issues came and made us go different ways. We had difficulties for that election. They went behind my back to discuss with junior officers, this shows I was irrelevant. We can't go back, I told them I won't support them."
Panji said UDA had brought unity in Eastern Province and the spirit of ‘One Zambia One Nation’.

When contacted for comment Tilyenji was reported to be in a meeting.
Tilyenji and Col Panji differed prior and during the Kapoche by-elections with the latter accusing his brother of running UNIP from his bedroom.

Former UNIP council chairperson Wilfred Chirwa said Col Panji's departure signalled the death of UNIP in Eastern Province. He said Tilyenji should not think he was building UNIP by antagonising Col Panji.

"A lot of people I have spoken to, including myself are going with Panji whether to hell or to heaven. I wish you could see my face, this is a serious issue that has annoyed me. I have taken a lot to help rebuild UNIP," said Chirwa who has been in UNIP since 1958. "I was imprisoned in Kabwe and it can't take Tilyenji a second to destroy the party. If Panji goes, there will be no UNIP in Eastern Province.

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