
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Step aside, Teta asks Findlay

Step aside, Teta asks Findlay
By Patson Chilemba and Zumani Katasefa
Thursday July 19, 2007 [04:00] P

MMD spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba has asked the party’s Copperbelt chairperson Terrence Findlay to step aside from his position until the defilement investigations against him are concluded. Meanwhile, Findlay yesterday accused The Post of tarnishing his image. And police sources in Ndola have revealed that Findlay is also being investigated for production of pornographic films. In an interview, Tetamashimba urged Findlay to save the party’s image by stepping aside.

“These are immoral things. MMD is not a bad party but there are individuals who are bad. We in the party should start having morals. The normal thing is to step away from this position. In my view, if a leader is being investigated with serious offences, they should help MMD by stepping aside,” Tetamashimba said. “It’s not just Findlay; anybody who has cases that puts the name of the party into disrepute should step aside.”

Tetamashimba said defilement investigations against Findlay were painting a negative image on the credibility of the MMD.
“This is painting a bad image on the credibility of the party. In your headline you are saying MMD chairperson and not Findlay the businessman. You are connecting MMD to Findlay, he’s not only MMD Copperbelt chairperson but also a businessman,”

Tetamashimba said. “If you continue mentioning yourself as chairman, you are destroying the name of the party. The best thing is to step aside.”

Police sources in Ndola disclosed that Findlay is alleged to have defiled a girl under the age of 16. The sources confirmed they are investigating Findlay and that last Saturday, an identification parade was conducted and the girl positively identified him as the man who had unlawful carnal knowledge of her although her friend identified another man.

The source further said a docket has since been taken to the Director of Public Prosecution’s office for determination.
But Findlay yesterday said he was not aware about the investigations.

"I am not aware about that, I am just learning about that for the first time," said Findlay who sounded very low.
Findlay even denied knowledge of the girl adding that the story had just tarnished his image.
He wondered why The Post had decided to run the story without getting his side.

"Why do you want to get my comment when you have already published the story? I am just hearing that from you. You have tarnished my image," he said.

And police sources said that Findlay was also being investigated for production of pornographic films. They said that Findlay used to ‘share’ the same girl with his friend of Indian origin who is also based in Ndola.

The sources said it was discovered that Findlay had been defiling the girl after her grandmother discovered pornographic tapes in her school bag.

The sources indicated that Findlay has not yet been charged because investigations had continued.


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM

    This case does not surprise some of us who have lived in Ndola for many years.

    They are many others who also need to be brought to book. One just hopes that money will not speak in this case.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I dont know much about Findlay's background but if these stories are true, it is sickening. It also shows how lax our political process is to allow people of such calibre to be high ranking officials and in some cases end up as 'Honourable' MPs.

    Justice should be done not only in this case but in all cases of abuse and curruption in our christian nation. Its a shame.
