
Friday, August 31, 2007

Chief Puta calls for tax rebate on fishing nets
By Sandra Lombe
Friday August 31, 2007 [04:00]

SENIOR chief Puta of the Bwile people of Chiengi district has called for a tax rebate on fishing nets if people are to stop using mosquito nets. Chief Puta said the fact that there was no rebate on fishing nets had contributed to people using mosquito nets for fishing.

"Mosquito nets are cheaper and readily available. Since there is no tax rebate on the fishing nets, people have decided to use the mosquito nets to fish," he said.

He urged the government to sell the fishing nets at a cheaper price if people were to stop using unconventional methods. However, chief Puta said his people should not be blamed for over fishing.

"The government also should look at what factors lead to dwindling the fish," he said.

And chief Puta called on the government to quickly repair roads to attract investors to his area. "Roads have delayed development in our area," he complained. He also encouraged his people to continue growing food crops as it was embarrassing to beg.

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