
Thursday, August 30, 2007

E/Province gets K24bn for construction of 2 schools

E/Province gets K24bn for construction of 2 schools
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thursday August 30, 2007 [04:00]

GOVERNMENT has released K24 billion for the construction of two high schools in Eastern Province. Provincial education officer Pilira Jere confirmed the development in an interview in Chipata yesterday. Jere said the high schools would be built in Chama and Nyimba districts.

“I wish to confirm that we have received K24 billion for the construction of high schools in Manga area in Chama South and Mombe area in Nyimba. The ministry was looking at the distances when choosing the beneficiary areas,” Jere said.

She said the ministry would soon place adverts for contractors to take up the project.

Jere said Chama District has two high schools while Nyimba has three. She said some existing schools that were in a poor state would be rehabilitated under the Poverty Reduction Programme (PRP).

And Chama district commissioner Peter Nyirenda said it was gratifying that the people of Chama South had finally agreed that the high school be constructed at Manga.

“Some people wanted the school to be at Mangwere while others wanted it to be at Manga but it’s good that they have finally agreed that it should be at Manga because it is accessible throughout the year,” Nyirenda said.

He said Mangwere had a lot of challenges especially during the rainy season.

“When you build a boarding school, it’s for all the people across the nation. So it should be accessible all the time, the school will need food and some other requisites. If the school is not accessible in the rainy season how can this be possible?” asked Nyirenda.

1 comment:

  1. A few remarks.

    - K24 billion?

    At 4000 K to the dollar, that is $6 million. To build two high schools? Campuses, maybe. A huge mansion. But high shools? I take it the government is honouring it's practice of not tracking it's expenses. The PAC had some choice words about this issue.

    - One high school per district?

    Every district should have a number of high schools - I'm thinking more like 6 to 10.

    - Corruption

    This should be a local issue. Why is it being done by the ministry? Why is a minister even involved in the construction of high schools in distant Eastern Province? Also, is this payoff from Mwanawasa, because Eastern Province was (at least seen to be) voting for the MMD? If so, shame on Mwanawasa and the MMD.
