
Sunday, August 19, 2007

(HERALD) Sadc hails Zim report

Sadc hails Zim report
From Innocent Gore in LUSAKA, Zambia

SADC heads of state and government yesterday received and welcomed progress reports on the political and economic situations in Zimbabwe prepared by South African President Thabo Mbeki and Sadc executive secretary Dr Tomaz Salomao respectively.

The reports were presented during a closed-door meeting of the Sadc leaders at their summit at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka by the outgoing chairman of the Sadc Organ on Politics, Defence and Security, Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete.

President Mbeki, who was tasked by Sadc leaders at their extraordinary summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in March to convene dialogue between the Government and the MDC, presented his report to Mr Kikwete, who, in turn, reported to the summit.

Sources who attended the closed-door meeting said Mr Mbeki’s report talks about progress in the dialogue and that the two parties were closer to reaching agreement.

The talks were expected to resume soon.

The leaders welcomed the report and further mandated Mr Mbeki to continue with his mediation efforts.

They mandated Sadc finance ministers to thoroughly study the report produced by Dr Salomao and see what form of assistance can come from within and outside the region to help Zimbabwe overcome the economic challenges that it is facing.

Briefing reporters on his return from the summit at Harare International Airport, President Mugabe said the summit had gone on well and that he was happy with the outcome.

"We had a very good meeting, we are happy and . . . (in the meantime) we will proceed in accordance with our own programmes to turn around the economy," he said.

The President said the summit had also dwelt on regional integration and the development of infrastructure such as roads, railway lines, communication systems and air links.

Without improvement of the infrastructure, he said, development would be stagnant and this was not in the region’s best interest.

Other issues discussed included law and order, the political and security situation in the region and the proposed free trade area targeted for next year, eventually transforming into a common market in 2010.

The President was received on arrival at the Harare International Airport by Vice President Msika, Transport and Communications Minister Cde Christopher Mushohwe, service chiefs, and other senior Government officials.

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