
Monday, August 27, 2007

It's important to look after the vulnerable, says Kaunda

It's important to look after the vulnerable, says Kaunda
By Patson Chilemba
Monday August 27, 2007 [04:00]

IT'S important to look after the vulnerable, Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said. Officiating at the donation of various foodstuffs at Chilenje Transit Home in Lusaka yesterday, Dr Kaunda said the vulnerable could not fend for themselves hence the need for society to help them. Dr Kaunda said he could not attend church yesterday because he considered attending to the vulnerable as church in itself.

"I was supposed to be at church but this is church work and nothing can be more important than this. Young lady thanks for inviting me to come and pray here," said Dr Kaunda to Miss Zambia, Precious Mumbi.

Dr Kaunda further thanked Mumbi for her interest in issues affecting the vulnerable.

"You are using your beauty to serve the poor. I thank you," said Dr Kaunda. And Mumbi said she was very saddened at seeing the number of children who are being abandoned. She said if the family system was strong in Zambia, society would not have such rising numbers of abandoned children.

"I would like to take this opportunity to urge the general public to embrace the family system and encourage the introduction of extended families. It does not mean that when brother or sister dies due to unforeseen circumstances, you as an aunt or uncle tend to think that you cannot take care of the children left behind, thinking that they are not your responsibility because they are not your children," Mumbi observed.

"This is a wrong attitude and it is time we also begun to accept the fact that these are some of the unforeseen situations we may find ourselves in at one point or the other and must learn to accept our orphaned relatives and not see this as a burden."

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