
Thursday, August 16, 2007

KK asks SADC leaders to deal with land issues

KK asks SADC leaders to deal with land issues
By Brighton Phiri
Thursday August 16, 2007 [04:01]

DR Kenneth Kaunda has asked the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) leaders meeting in Lusaka today to conclusively deal with the land issues in the region. In his message to heads of state attending the summit, Dr Kaunda said land issues were among the sources of conflict and differences in the region.

"Let us examine how other countries, where land is not a problem, are dealing with the issue because it is where land is not a problem where we can look for solutions," he said.

Dr Kaunda also said he expected nothing short of success during the SADC summit.

"As a committed retiree, I am saying to all my heads of state that you are welcome to Zambia. We pray that they will continue to labour and make SADC truly a body of service to all the people of Africa...a body of service to help Africa move quickly into one continent or country just like Europe and the US," Dr Kaunda said.

"I expect success from the summit on all the pertinent issues affecting the region."
Dr Kaunda asked the SADC leaders to turn the regional grouping into a body of service to humanity. He said SADC had a great role to play in the integration process of the continent.

Dr Kaunda further asked the SADC leaders to deal with poverty and HIV/AIDS, which he said continued to haunt the region. He said HIV/AIDS was on an increase in the region because of high prevalence of poverty.

"We pray that our leaders will deal with all these issues conclusively," he said.
"As the HIV/AIDS symbol is my combat attire, I expect our leaders to address the issues of poverty because our people are dying from AIDS due to lack of good nutrition."

Dr Kaunda confirmed that he would attend both the official opening and closing sessions of the SADC summit.

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