
Monday, August 06, 2007

Lambas threaten to sort out Sata

Lambas threaten to sort out Sata
By Bivan Saluseki
Monday August 06, 2007 [04:00]

LAMBA speaking people will deal with Michael Sata in a manner befitting his venomous attacks, their spokesperson Jobb Shamfuti has said. Reacting to Sata's statement that it was difficult for the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to probe Drug Enforcement Commissioner Ryan Chitoba because he belonged to President Mwanawasa’s ‘family tree’, Shamfuti said Sata's remarks were baseless.

However, Sata yesterday opted not to comment on Shamfuti's statement.

Shamfuti said President Mwanawasa had not hesitated to take action against suspected wrongdoers even at the expense of being unpopular.

"He has not hesitated to take action even against those who are close to him. The nation is aware, Sata is aware that President Mwanawasa suspended Mr Keshena and Muteteka who are his tribesmen and relatives. He has not hesitated to act against his ministers and has not interfered in their cases," he said.

Shamfuti said Sata's dirty tactics would not work.
He said it was malicious for Sata to claim that President Mwanawasa protected his tribesmen.

"It is unfortunate and dismaying that instead of engaging in constructive politics of development and nation building, Mr Sata should be promoting and championing primitive and retrogressive tribal politics which risks to plunge the country into chaos and bloodshed," he said.

Shamfuti said Lambas had welcomed fellow migrant labour to their territory with open arms.

"If the Lamba speaking people were sectional or exclusive, Zambia would have been different," he said.

Shamfuti said President Mwanawasa had been inclusive in his appointment of people in the public service at all levels.

"We believe we have, like other Zambians, a right to fully participate in the affairs of our country. We will not accept to be discriminated against by anyone on the basis of tribe," he said.

"We shall continue to be a progressive and law abiding community unless forced to be otherwise."
Shamfuti said President Mwanawasa had been very inclusive and exemplary in his leadership. He said the Lamba community was fully aware of what game Sata was playing.

"The dirty tactics will not work," said Shamfuti.
On Wednesday last week, Sata said it was difficult for the ACC to investigate Chitoba because he belonged to the family tree.

Sata was commenting on the ACC's investigations into the alleged financial scandals against Chitoba and his deputy Jacob Koyi.
Sata said dealing with Chitoba was a difficult task because of his connections with State House's 'family tree'.

"I would like to see how these investigations will go," Sata said. "The ACC is dealing with a strong person because Chitoba is related to State House. Investigations that are conducted against anyone who belongs to State House are not easy. I sympathise with ACC and those people investigating Chitoba."

Sata said because of Chitoba's connections with ‘the family tree', he was paid more money than the Inspector General of Police Ephraim Mateyo when in fact they were supposed to be at the same level.

"We know a lot about Chitoba," Sata said. "At the moment, he is a member of the family tree and it feels like he is untouchable as far as government is concerned. State House shall protect him today but we will deal with him when PF forms government like they are dealing with Chiluba."

ACC director general Nixon Banda last week confirmed their investigations against Chitoba and Koyi for abuse of authority of office.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    This gentleman Luke Shamfuti certainly has a way of jumping to conclusions! I have besides me a copy of the Post (August 2, 2007)to which Shamfuti is referring. At no point does Sata even mention the Lamba let alone say anything negative about them. I think it is Shamfuti and not Sata who must be sorted out for being such an irrational and reckless alarmist!
