
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

LETTERS - National Pride

Where is Zambia's pride?
By Baston Mwedalo
Wednesday August 22, 2007 [04:00]

I would like to highlight a few but cardinal issues as regards Zambia’s economic development. Much has been said but little has been done to alleviate poverty among the Zambian citizenry. As much as I appreciate some of the MMD government’s policies in the agriculture sector, I think more drastic and bolder steps need to be taken. Granted now that we have good and improved crop harvests, these harvests go to waste simply because of poor marketing policies, poor road infrastructure, lack of industries to process the crop into finished products, thus adding value to the produce.

The government needs to seriously consider giving tax rebates to the manufacturing sector for it to grow as well. Time and again, the chairman of the Manufacturing Association of Zambia, Diego Cassilli, has lamented the hardships this sector is facing but to no avail. All the products on our shelves are imported from either South Africa or China. When are we going to buy goods manufactured in Zambian ?

I for one, I’m fed up with imported stuff. Where is our pride as a country if we cannot even manufacture tooth picks, sewing needles, jam to mention but a few? The country is well endowed with vast natural resources that we choose not to exploit. There is an urgent need to boost the manufacturing industries to produce affordable and quality Zambian commodities.

Companies such as Lyons, Mwinilunga pineapple plant, Mansa Batteries, Dunlop etc need to be revived as soon as possible to create employment for the many educated Zambians roaming the streets. Enough of the mining fiasco, let’s promote other sectors of the Zambian economy as well.

The health sector is another area that needs serious and urgent attention. I believe the Panado being used at Morningside Clinic in South Africa is the same being used at UTH. If so why are all the Zambian politicians being flown out to RSA for BP check ups and panado, when they can be attended to here at home? Why can’t Mwanawasa’s new deal administration bring in similar facilities so that many Zambians can benefit as well?

Last, the mining industry is one sector where tangible benefits were supposed to be realised, but alas the benefits from the mineral sales are not being appreciated at all despite the mining machinery being brought into the country at zero rate. Companies such as National Milling can be seen promoting boxing in this country. Where are the mines’ contributions apart from a paltry K35 billion royalties?

A taxpayer is contributing more than 25 per cent of his income to the national budget whilst these mines are contributing 0.01 per cent. This is utterly ridiculous! The road network in all the mining towns is full of potholes.

What are the benefits of having these mines? Magande and your cronies, you need to speed up the negotiations with the mining companies or face the boot. Do not also shield Chinese “investors” to reap huge profits at the expense of the Zambian worker. You are a disgrace to the Zambians and should not be trusted with our coffers and national interests.

1 comment:

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