
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Lubinda presents ACC amendment bill to Parliament

Lubinda presents ACC amendment bill to Parliament
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wednesday August 08, 2007 [04:00]

KABWATA member of parliament Given Lubinda has presented the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) amendment bill to Parliament which seeks to compel chiefs of defence forces, senior public officers and accounting officers to annually declare their assets, income and liabilities to the chief justice. According to the ACC amendment bill No. 14 of 2007, Lubinda stated that the bill would compel senior public officers and accounting staff in government, parastatal organisations and corporate bodies in which the government has financial interests and members of the Judiciary to make declarations of assets, income and liabilities to the Chief Justice and to the Judicial Complaints Authority annually and at the expiration of the engagement.

“The following further amendments are proposed to be made to the Anti-Corruption Commission Act to compel the Anti-Corruption Commission to verify declarations within 90 days of their being deposited to the Chief Justice or the Judicial Complaints Authority,” Lubinda stated.

“The Bill aims at the following; to contribute to the detection, prevention and punishment of corruption; to enhance public confidence in the institutions of government and officers; to provide a transparent environment in which citizens, including officers of government, parastatal organisations and body corporate in which government has stakes to engage in private business activities without fear of unwarranted suspicion and possible state harassment; and to inspire Zambian citizens and residents to get directly involved in the fight against corruption knowing that their representatives in the National Assembly are leading the crusade by formulating laws that enhance the fight.”

Lubinda stated that public officers from the rank of cashier and above in a public institution or parastatal organisation or a corporate body in which government has financial interest would be required to declare their assets. He stated that the law, once in place, would stop illicit acquisition of wealth.

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