
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ministers' ignorance worries Levy

Ministers' ignorance worries Levy
By Bivan Saluseki
Tuesday August 28, 2007 [04:00]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa yesterday said there was too much ignorance over the Constitution and it saddened him that the majority of those ignorant were his own ministers. Swearing in Michael Kaingu as tourism minister and Professor Fashion Phiri as foreign affairs deputy minister at State House, President Mwanawasa urged ministers to be conversant with the Constitution so that they were able to defend him when attacked.

"There is too much ignorance of what the Constitution says and what should be done. Unfortunately, I am sad to confess that ministers are the major culprits. They don't know the Constitution. This is why when I am attacked, my few ministers who are talking about the Constitution are attacked, they find solace in keeping quiet. This is because they haven't taken time to study all these documentations," President Mwanawasa said.

"I believe that the constitution review process in the manner in which we are pushing on part of the government is the right way. So it is necessary for you to understand what we are saying. Indeed if you find that you are not sure or you don't agree with what we are doing we would benefit from your wise counsel or we would be in a position to explain, to clarify matters. It will not do for ministers, certain ministers to go out and say, ni Mwanawasa, ni Kunda, na Mike Mulongoti, ine nshisumina iyo (it's Mwanawasa, it's Kunda, it's Mike Mulongoti. I don't believe in what they are saying)."

President Mwanawasa said both ministers had sworn on oath to defend the Constitution. "What does that mean? I want, through you, to advise all ministers and deputy ministers that they should be conversant with the Constitution of Zambia from the first section to the last section," he said.

President Mwanawasa said ministers should also be conversant with the Mungomba Constitution Review report, including the draft constitution report.

"You should also be Conversant with government reaction to that constitution. They should also be conversant with the arguments which the government has presented from time to time, in support of the present constitution and in support of suitable clauses for amendments and in support of the review process," President Mwanawasa said.

"If you don't agree, you know that there is only one way, in fact two ways; you bring your area of discontent to us in order that we can discuss and if you convince us we can change the course. But if you don't convince us, you have the option to quit government, there are no two ways about it."

President Mwanawasa said ministers should not behave like some opposition politicians who change immediately after accepting something.

"It will not do for our ministers like certain other political leaders do, today they accept the Constitutional Conference, a few hours later they change and condemn it," said President Mwanawasa.

"All intelligent people, wise people will ask, 'what does this thing stand for?'"

President Mwanawasa said he would promptly sign the National Constitutional Conference Bill when it goes for assent.

"We can then move a step forward to deal with matters of constitutional amendment," he said.

Last week, President Mwanawasa relieved Mundia Sikatana of his duties as foreign affairs minister and was replaced by Kabinga Pande.

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