
Monday, August 20, 2007

(NEW FARMER) Bat guano fertiliser is cost effective

Bat guano fertiliser is cost effective
Farmer Reporter

Horticulture farmers can increase their yields at a lower or even no cost by using the locally available bat guano organic fertiliser. Bat guano consists mainly of excrement and remains of bats that have lived in caves for many years and also the remains and excrement of other animals such as mice and insects.

Apart from caves bat guano is found in smaller quantities in other places such as abandoned buildings and trees.

To produce quality organic fertiliser from bat guano there is need to shelter the materials from the sun, air and rain to form a rich mix of nitrogenous, carbonaceous and saline elements.

These elements contain uric acid, ammonium urate, phosphates and alkaline salts.

Bat guano contains about 65 to 68 percent of organic matter, which enhances soil water retention capacity especially in sandy soils.

Apart from that, the organic fertiliser builds up earthworms in the soil and these worms excrete nitrogen; thus increasing soil fertility.

It is recommended that those farmers who specialise in fruit trees apply 0.5 to 2kgs of bat guano fertiliser per plant. This is applied in the pit at the time of sowing.

For established or developing fruit trees, farmers should apply five to seven kilograms of bat guano per plant during the budding-flowering season.

For fruit trees in production it is advised that farmers apply a minimum of 1.25 to 2.5 kilograms per plant during fruit formation.

Farmers who specialise in vegetable cultivation can apply 0.4 to 0.6 kilograms per square meter of bat guano at the time of sowing.

In nurseries and seedbeds farmers should mix well 20 percent of bat guano and 80 percent of fertile soil before sowing the seeds or planting.

It is crucial for farmers to note that for all types of crops and soil, bat guano should always be mixed with the fertile soil to make the best use of it and obtain a fast effect.

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