
Monday, August 06, 2007

Oasis, CGC to carry out peaceful demos

Oasis, CGC to carry out peaceful demos
By Bivan Saluseki
Monday August 06, 2007 [04:00]

THE Oasis Forum and the Consultative Group on the Constitution (CGC) will carry out peaceful demonstrations over the constitutional for five days running during the SADC heads of state summit.

In an interview, Forum spokesperson Musa Mwenye yesterday advised the public that he had personally served notice on Lusaka acting commanding officer a Mr Zombe over the Forum’s intention to march from the fly-over near Zesco headquarters to Mulungushi International Conference Centre.
He said from 13th to 17th of August 2007, the demonstrators would march from 07:30 to 10:00 everyday.

Mwenye said the notice was served on police on Monday, 30th July.
“The law requires police to advise us five days before the procession if they are unable to police, and they are obliged to give reasons for inability to police the procession. They are under an obligation to give an alternative date. If we don’t hear from police by Tuesday (tomorrow), 7th August, 2007, the Oasis Forum and the CGC will have the legal right to proceed with the procession” he said.

Mwenye said the group would follow the law to the letter.
“We are exploiting avenues of giving foreign heads of state an advance copy of our petition so that our grievances are tabled whether or not police object to the procession,” he said.

Mwenye said the Forum was happy that government, through the minister of information Mike Mulongoti had recognised the people’s right to demonstrate, march or protest within the confines of the law.

He said the organisations involved in the march were noble and humble who ascribe to the notion of orderliness.
Mwenye said the Forum would galvanise solidarity from counterpart organisations within SADC so that maximum benefit could be extracted from the SADC summit in Zambia.

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