
Sunday, August 05, 2007

PAC chief calls for thorough DEC audit

PAC chief calls for thorough DEC audit
By Noel Sichalwe
Sunday August 05, 2007 [04:00]

PUBLIC Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson Charles Milupi yesterday called for thorough audit of the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) bank accounts to rectify the alleged financial scandals at the institution.

Commenting on the abuse of office allegations against DEC Commissioner Ryan Chitoba and his deputy Jacob Koyi, Milupi said he was concerned at the alleged abuse of public resources at DEC and hoped that the situation would be corrected.

"My concern is on the usage of public resources," Milupi said. "I have noticed that there are some reported abuse in a certain account. This is the account that keeps money confiscated from wrongdoers. Once this money is deposited in this account, it becomes public resources."

He said there was need for a satisfactory explanation on how the money in the DEC asset and forfeiture account was spent. Milupi said the Auditor General should move in according to its mandate of auditing public institutions to rectify the reported financial problems in the DEC bank accounts.

He, however, said there was a problem in the Constitution because the PAC only dealt with transactions of the previous year.

"Just like at the moment, as you have noticed, we are dealing with transactions for the year 2005," he said. "So the only time that we will officially handle some of these issues happening this year is in 2009.”
The ACC is investigating Chitoba and Koyi for abuse of authority of office.

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