
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sata is still a snake, charges Chimumbwa as he quits PF

Sata is still a snake, charges Chimumbwa as he quits PF
By Chibaula Silwamba
Thursday August 30, 2007 [04:01]

SATA is still a snake, former Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Charles Chimumbwa (left) said yesterday. But PF president Michael Sata, who sounded surprised at Chimumbwa’s resignation, declared that his party would meet him in Nchanga Constituency during the by-election.

Announcing his resignation from PF to join the ruling MMD in Lusaka, Chimumbwa who was also PF Nchanga member of parliament, said he had never worshiped any individual and would never do so.

“The man Sata is still a snake,” Chimumbwa said. “After consulting with the Nchanga Constituency leadership and membership, with my supporters and with my family, I hereby announce my resignation with immediate effect from the Patriotic Front, the party I have been proud to serve. I immediately announce my joining the MMD.”

He said he had served PF to the best of his ability and in every situation he had taken decisions and actions he considered beneficial to the cause of the people he represented.

“I have also respected and been bound by the principles of collective responsibility, operating within the law, human rights and natural justice. Most importantly, I have always dreamt of a better tomorrow for the people of Zambia,” he said. “Even now, it is my firm belief that the action I am about to embark on will constitute my best cause of action under the circumstances.”

Chimumbwa said it had not been smooth-sailing for PF from its inception when it was a one-man’s show to date when it is recognised as official opposition.

However, Chimumbwa said he was proud to say that PF was stronger than it was at the beginning.

“Throughout my life, I have been brought up on the principles of selfless, teamwork, community consensus , collective decision making, accommodating different views, majority rule and respect for the minority, rule of law, human-centred society etc,” Chimumbwa said. “I believe these are the tenets of what you call democracy. I have never worshiped an individual and I am certainly not about to begin now. I believe the dignity of a human being is too important to compromise for whatever reason.”

Asked to comment on some Zambians’ complaints that defections of parliamentarians cost the country a lot of money through unnecessary by-elections, Chimumbwa responded: “Certain things are inevitable.”
But Sata said PF would meet Chimumbwa in Nchanga during the by-election.

“He has resigned? Who has he resigned with? Which party has he joined?” asked Sata when contacted for comment. “That is fine. Okay, we shall meet him in Nchanga.”

And PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said Chimumbwa should have tendered his resignation before joining the MMD.

“However, the party has been waiting for his resignation and we accept it,” Lubinda said. “My piece of advice is that if he is talking about hero-worshiping in PF, he will find worse hero-worshipping where he is going. He should be prepared to kneel down.”

Lubinda said Chimumbwa’s resignation would give PF an opportunity to prove its popularity in the Copperbelt during the by-election. Welcoming Chimumbwa to the MMD, party vice national chairman Kabinga Pande said the ruling party and President Levy Mwanawasa were accommodative to divergent views.

“We are welcoming you with both hands,” said Pande who is also foreign affairs minister. “Your coming to the MMD shows that MMD is the only party that can attract people from other parties.”

He said some people would start saying that Chimumbwa had been ‘bought’, adding that it is but that was not true because he is intelligent and could not be bought.

“We are not interested in quarrelling. We don’t buy anybody and when you say he has been bought you are underrating his intelligence. The only thing that we can say ‘buys’ someone is the performance of the MMD,” said Pande.

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