
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Sinazongwe district UPND executive resigns

Sinazongwe district UPND executive resigns
By Tovin Ngombe
Tuesday August 07, 2007 [04:00]

The entire Sinazongwe United Party for National Development (UPND) executive has resigned from the party. Sinazongwe UPND chairlady Malala Muchimba said the members have since joined United Liberal Party (ULP) which they said had the late Anderson Mazoka's vision. Muchimba announced the resignation of the members following a meeting that was held in Maamba township in Sinazongwe district. She said the souring relationship with the UPND leadership in the district resulted from their supporting the independent candidate Richwell Siamunene during the 2006 tripartite elections.

"We tried to reason with the party's leadership to address our differences with them but they failed to listen to us hence we feel we cannot work with them," she said.

Muchimba said the executive opposed the imposition of Raphael Muyunda as their aspiring candidate for the position of member of parliament because he failed to deliver during his previous term of office.

"The executive committee has reached a stage were we cannot work with the current leadership in UPND because it has lost direction and the vision of the late Mazoka," Muchimba said. She said the officials at district, branch and section levels had all resigned from the party.

Muchimba explained that the UPND leadership upon knowing that they were to hold a meeting to announce their destiny rushed to the press to announce that they had been expelled from the party. "The position at present is that we are not expelled but we have decided to resign on our own," Muchimba said.

The Sinazongwe UPND executive committee led by Simon Siatwiinda was elected on January 13, 2004.

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