
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

(TRINICENTER) Zimbabwe: BBC lies exposed

Zimbabwe: BBC lies exposed
Posted: Monday, August 13, 2007

EDITOR – The article by Stephen T. Maimbodei (The Herald, August 8 2007) made interesting reading particularly as we celebrate our Heroes Holiday. As Zimbabweans we should not fail to sleep over the programme because there are so many of them these days from CNN, BBC and other radio and TV stations. Zimbabwe is a great country that is why we had to fight for it to liberate ourselves.

Ian Smith rebelled against Her Majesty, the Queen of England, and nothing happened and just like what happened in the film "Hotel Rwanda" they said: "We have been sent to collect whites only", the British government did not act against their kith and kin. Our greatest "sin" was to take land from their kith and kin and they will not forgive us for that. Ko vanombodei muZimbabwe?

There are a lot of countries where things are happening and the world is doing nothing and in our beloved Zimbabwe sanctions have been the source of our challenges. The playing field is not even and is openly and deliberately violated by those sponsoring regime change.

The BBC programme is nothing but racist bigotry bent on trivialising the war of liberation and the living liberation war heroes. For decades the history of a black person has been that of subservience, abused and humiliation. He has been denied his rightful place. He must always say baas to "superhuman" beings.

Maybe the BBC should do a special programme on how they toppled Kwame Nkrumah, and how they threw Patrice Lumumba into sulphuric acid.

Did Tom Mboya of Kenya have to be assassinated if the British are so democratic as they claim to be?

What about the fraud they committed against King Lobengula?

The BBC and their government wanted the black man to have remained confined to the "mukwenyashuro" type of soil in Chivi, Mberengwa, Gutu and other rural areas. This is why economic rights have been relegated to the dustbin by the white man. The black man is made to believe that civil and political rights are more important than economic rights and the end result is perpetuation of poverty.

What the programme is meant to achieve will certainly not perturb us. We know we are under sanctions and we know they imposed them on our country and our sin was taking what rightly belongs to us.

God gave us Zimbabwe to enjoy its fruits not to be treated like second-class citizens. The kith and kin of the British owe it to President Mugabe for his generous commitment to reconciliation.

When Father Zimbabwe, Dr Joshua Nkomo said: "Nxa ufuna imali pendulela ivala elithi lima uzayithola imali", he simply meant that money comes from the soil.

To my brothers and sisters the fastest way to get rich is to work hard in the fields.

Just like the Israelis and Palestinians have the right to their land, Zimbabweans are no exception. The late Stanlake Samkange wrote the book "On Trial for My Country", indeed our President is on trial for giving land to his people.

The BBC lies have been exposed and they will continue to be exposed. The Bible says the truth shall set you free.

C. Zhou.

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