
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

UNZASU demands Lungwangwa's exit

UNZASU demands Lungwangwa's exit
By Laura Mushaukwa
Wednesday August 29, 2007 [04:00]

THE University of Zambia Students Union (UNZASU) has called for the resignation of education minister Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa expressing disappointment at the stance he has taken on the closure of the Copperbelt University (CBU). In a press release yesterday, UNZASU president Sage Samuwika stated that UNZASU was disappointed with the statement Prof Lungwangwa issued to the effect that CBU was closed due to vandalism and riotous behaviour exhibited by the students.

“In view of the aforementioned, we therefore demand the resignation of the honourable Minister of Education if he cannot exhibit his expertise,”Samuwika said. “We wish to remind the honourable minister that Zambians are not blind citizens for they know what transpired or led to the closure of CBU.”

He pointed out that indefinite closures were not the solution to problems at higher institutions of learning.

“We the University of Zambia Students, like our brothers and sisters at CBU are deeply disappointed with the way our leaders want to be resolving the problems associated with higher institutions of learning, misleading the nation or closing the institution indefinitely is not the solution,” Samuwika noted.

He stated that the closure of higher learning institutions had negative repercussions on the development of the country.

“One thing government should realise is that the closure of CBU will delay the acquisition of the much needed human resource the nation requires to supplement man power in the various government ministries and other sectors so as to foster political, social, cultural, technological and economic development,” Samuwika observed.

He stated that the students expected Professor Lungwangwa to understand the problems of institutions of higher learning having once been UNZA deputy vice chancellor.
“An indefinite closure is not the solution to the problems associated with CBU but a very disturbing and retrogressive action to the realisation of human resource essential for national development,” stated Samuwika.

He appealed to civil society and other non-governmental organisations to help fight for the re-opening of CBU.

The Copperbelt University was recentlyclosed after a sit-in protest by lecturers who were demanding improved conditions of service.

But Prof Lungwangwa on Saturday said the institution would remain closed indefinißtely.Prof Lungwangwa said the frequency of the disturbances at CBU pointed to lack of appreciation by students for university education and the failure to recognise the amount of resources that the government had provided to a few privileged students to attain higher education at the expense of a large number of Zambians who are unable to attain tertiary education.

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