
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Zesco workers protest over perks

Zesco workers protest over perks
By Sandra Lombe
Tuesday August 21, 2007 [04:00]

ZESCO workers in Lusaka yesterday staged a sit-in, demanding the removal of managing director Rodney Sisala, salary increment and improved conditions of service. But Zesco spokesperson Monica Chisela said it was unfortunate that the workers had resorted to strike before management and the union concluded negotiations.

The workers that had gathered at the construction plant near Government Printers, also placed a placard at the gate, reading 'Zesco image is being dented by Sisala, rescue us from this embarrassment'.

The workers that sought anonymity for fear of victimisation complained they had worked for over 10 years under the construction department, without being confirmed. They demanded a salary increment of K1 million across the board.

"We have not had any salary increment for the past five years," they said.

They said among the unionised casual workers, the least paid was getting about K250,000 and the highest K320,000.

"Our salary usually delays, we get our salary usually after two months. How do we pay rent and feed our families," they said. "The salary difference margin with the highest management worker is about K50 million."

The workers said they would only return to work after they were addressed by Sisala.
"He (Sisala) has never met us, we only see him in the papers and on TV. We don't know him," they complained.

"We want him to address us, but since we are told he is out, Buleti Nsemukila should address us."

They complained that they did not have equipment and material to do their work, a situation they said had affected their service delivery to the clients.

"We don't even have service cables. We have over 500 clients on the waiting lists waiting to be connected. We have not provided good service for the past two years," they said. They said some of the workers that had suffered burns during the course of duty were still casual workers. However, the workers said they would only resume work after Sisala addressed them.

"We appeal to President Mwanawasa that he should help us and not protect Sisala.
When there was a fuel crisis Mpombo was demoted what about Sisala. Zesco is finished," one worker who also said he missed Dr Kaunda's era said. The workers demanded that the true cause of the blackout during the SADC meeting be told to the nation.

"How can a lizard cause power blackout. It should be explained. Its just the Zesco services that have gone down and are poor," they said. But Chisela said the workers should return to work and wait for the outcome of the meeting on August 31, 2007.

"It is very very unfortunate that our colleagues have resorted to strike before management and their union can meet," she said. "They should have waited since they don't know the outcome of that meeting. The union leaders are dully elected by the members and they can represent them effectively. Hope they could go back to work."

Chisela also said not all workers could see Sisala as he was at times represented by some other members of staff. She said the issue of casualistion was being looked into so that jobs could be formalised.

However, she said the strike had affected the company but could not give the extent.

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