
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Govt to establish NCC secretariat

Govt to establish NCC secretariat
By Chibaula Silwamba
Tuesday September 11, 2007 [04:00]

JUSTICE minister George Kunda has announced that government will immediately establish the secretariat of the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) and appoint members to make it operational. In statement issued in Lusaka yesterday, Kunda advised Zambians to participate in the constitutional review process because it was an all-inclusive process aimed at building consensus.

“Following the enactment of the National Constitutional Conference Act No. 19 of 2007, I have since issued a Statutory Instrument pursuant of Section one of that Act operationalise the Act,” Kunda stated.

“Since the said instrument is now law, government shall immediately proceed with its implementation starting with the establishment of the secretariat and appointment of members, experts and staff of the conference in terms of the Act.

The Act stipulates criteria for appointment of members, staff, committees, experts and consultants and such criteria shall be adhered to.”

He stated that the government would publish the Act as a supplement in the daily newspapers and further embark on sensitisation programmes.

“The Act is also available at government printers for any member of the public who may wish to access it,” he stated.
He stated that the constitution review process is budgeted for in the 2007 budget with a provision of K202 billion and some of this money will be utilised towards the National Constitutional Conference expenses.

“I appeal to all stakeholders mentioned in the Act and Zambians in general to participate in the constitution review process,” stated Kunda. “This is an all inclusive process aimed at building consensus on the process.”

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