
Saturday, September 15, 2007

(HERALD) GMB to supply inputs for peri-urban farming

GMB to supply inputs for peri-urban farming
Herald Reporter

PERI-URBAN farming in Harare is set for a major boom following successful talks between Government and the Grain Marketing Board over provision of inputs for the coming planting season. In an interview yesterday, Harare Metropolitan Province Governor Cde David Karimanzira said talks with GMB over availing of inputs were concluded and they were awaiting implementation to prepare for this year’s planting season.

"We sat down with GMB over inputs and the parastatal is willing to support peri-urban farming," said Cde Karimanzira.

"Other plans in place were to engage Operation Maguta in view of tilling the farms as well as provision of agro-chemicals.

"The onus is now on the farmers to organise themselves in preparation for the planting season. GMB said farmers would get inputs after full payment while Operation Maguta is paid after harvesting," he said.

So far, people settled on Reinham Farm in Dzivaresekwa have benefited from the programme, which will roll on to Selby Farm in Harare North where there are 270 farmers. Cde Karimanzira said both the public and the private sectors should work towards promoting peri-urban farming as it was sustaining many families as well as contributing to national food security.

"The private and public sectors should also chip in and support these programmes so that in the end the implementation is a success as this will not only benefit the families of those involved, but also the nation as a whole," he said.

A number of open spaces in urban areas are used for farming purposes by residents.

"People are now making the best of what they have which is a great development to the nation. Almost all the open spaces in urban areas have been cultivated," he said.

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