
Thursday, September 06, 2007

(HERALD) We won’t dump our President for a puppet

We won’t dump our President for a puppet

EDITOR — Recent media reports that Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr Gideon Gono has been barred from entering the United Kingdom, while Australia simultaneously publicised its intention to deport his three children studying there, is not surprising and should enlighten some naïve members of our society who mistake Anglo-Saxon grins for smiles.

Albion is panicking.

What with China reclaiming the economic enclaves of Hong Kong and Taiwan to its jurisdiction, and in so doing completing the total economic emancipation of Asia.

To make matters worse, several South American states are following the trend set by Vanezuela’s Hugo Chavez of ensuring that resources benefit citizens.

What this means is that the Anglo-Saxon empire is keen to keep a stranglehold on Africa by whatever means necessary.

Last year, I wrote a letter stressing that we should let the Americans and British continue with their madness of scoring own goals.

The sanctions they imposed, I argued, would backfire in the medium to long term and already, they are beginning to hurt the Anglo-Saxon world in real terms because they have over 400 companies here.

Sanctions are not new to us, as Africans have been under sanctions from the days of slavery, and this is precisely what is happening today.

Forget the rhetoric about democracy, human rights, good governance and so on.

It is an indisputable fact that Britain is a financial services economy and any real economic structural changes in key resource-rich developing countries, particularly Zimbabwe, will have a direct impact on the British economy.

This is why our decision to repossess our land sent the British into a panicky frenzy.

Yes, our leaders will no longer visit those cold, foggy isles but the British Queen will also no longer enjoy Zimbabwean beef, that she prefers to the GMOs from across the Atlantic.

It is because of this realisation that the Anglo-Saxons are now in perpetual panic to the extent of using ridiculous sanctions, withdrawing unsolicited honorary degrees, deporting children of our leaders, and barring cricket team tours to Zimbabwe among other things.

If anyone is in doubt, then consider why would, for instance, John Howard stoop so low as to bar the tour of a cricket team, instead of barring BHP, an Australian multinational, to revoke any interests in Zimbabwe.

Yes BHP packed its bags, but I hear they still have some interests here.

We also have their multinational colleagues stalking our mineral wealth by trying to gain acceptance through immaterial public relations stunts of mere name changes from Rio Tintos to Rio Zims and Lonrhos to LonZims.

All that works to our advantage because the Anglo-Saxons still think they are dealing with 16th century native Africans or some old Shona folktale baboons who, having grabbed hare’s hind leg to mete some measure of revenge are told by the latter to abandon the "root of a tree" for a "real leg".

They think we Zimbabweans can be fooled into ditching our real President for a puppet.

Let them continue with their silly economic sanctions and travel lists because at times, the best strategy to conquer a stupid enemy is to let them exhaust their Mickey Mouse arsenal.

Kugona muvengi benzi kumurega achikanda twumiseve twake twese, iwe chako kunzvenga chete.

We are better off directing all our national efforts towards achieving the agricultural production targets we have set ourselves this season, than pay attention to the misery and desperation of the British and their crumbling empire.

That’s their problem. The Neanderthal.


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