
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

HH procures 12 vehicles for UPND

HH procures 12 vehicles for UPND
By Gweny Phiri in Chingola
Tuesday September 04, 2007 [04:00]

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has procured 12 vehicles valued at K400 million to help with party mobilisation. Hichilema announced on Sunday in Chingola during a fundraising braii that 12 vehicles had been bought to help the UPND countrywide during campaigns. Hichilema reiterated UPND’s commitment to serving the people in the country.

He said UPND would not chase away investors or demolish illegal structures for the poor Zambians who in most cases used meagre resources to erect them.

Hichilema said he would instead plan well by ensuring that people were discouraged from settling on land illegally.
“They are busy demolishing the illegal structures that the poor Zambians had built in the name of cleaning towns. But where were they when the poor Zambians started building the said structures and who gave them land?” Hichilema asked.

“And other politicians are busy saying they will chase away investors. We in the UPND do not blame the investors. Moreover, if we want development we should accept technology, which is only brought by investors. Do not blame the wrong people and do not give excuses for failing to give Zambians accommodation. Who allowed them in the country if you are blaming them?”

Hichilema said under his leadership, he would reduce tax so that Zambians could enjoy their hard work, and that companies exempted from paying tax would start doing so to ensure national development. He further said Chingola’s Nchanga Constituency had lagged behind in terms of development because the electorate had voted for candidates who only wanted to look after themselves.
Hichilema also advised people to vote for the UPND candidate Alvin Simwiinga, a trained human resource officer, if development in Nchanga was to be realised.

And Simwiinga said people should not expect a better yield no matter how big the land they had tilled.
He said good yields were dependent on how good the seed was.
“Once you plant me in Parliament you should expect a better yield. I therefore ask you the people of Nchanga to give me a ticket to Parliament,” Simwiinga said.

UPND Copperbelt Province chairperson, Joe Kalusa, said Hichilema had shown his commitment to the party by the contribution of vehicles. Kalusa said the vehicles would help in the next by-elections and all other possible elections leading to the 2011 general elections.

FDD provincial publicity secretary, Wilson Chilekwa defected to UPND and immediately appealed to other political parties to join because the party was growing bigger in the province.
Earlier, Hichilema toured Kapisha market in Chingola. He said his heart bled when he stepped into the market, which was badly constructed with poor sanitation.

Hichilema said someone was failing to do his job, as refurbishing the market did not require a huge amount.

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