
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Kazala urges MMD to avoid shortcuts in Nchanga poll

Kazala urges MMD to avoid shortcuts in Nchanga poll
By Patson Chilemba
Wednesday September 12, 2007 [04:00]

MMD should uphold the party constitution when it comes to adopting parliamentary candidates, former MMD Nchanga member of parliament Richard Kazala has said. And Kazala has said he is ready to re-contest the Nchanga seat on the MMD ticket. But MMD spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba said it was more likely that MMD would adopt former Patriotic Front (PF) Nchanga member of parliament Charles Chimumbwa. In an interview, Kazala said there should be no shortcuts to adopting candidates in the MMD.

“For anyone who wants to contest positions in the MMD and this includes members joining the MMD, whether councillor, member of parliament or president, they have to be members for three years. Our party we’ve got to uphold the constitution. We’ve got to be a party of rules and regulations,” Kazala said. “Basically I feel there are no shortcuts to adopting members of parliament.”

Kazala said he was ready to re-contest the Nchanga seat because he has been a very loyal and committed member of MMD.
“I’ve never been a prodigal son. I’m one of those who go by what the manifesto says. You see Richard Kazala is a well-known person in Chingola and people have seen my capabilities as a leader.

The projects such as roads that are being implemented are those I initiated. I’m a local person. I live in Chingola; I was born and bred in Chingola. People know where I live,” Kazala said. “I’m ready to stand…it’s now up to the people to decide. I’m the best candidate for MMD. I’m well known.”

Kazala challenged Chimumbwa to show what he has done for the people of Chingola since he was elected.
“First anyone who wants to stand must show what they have done for the constituency in the last one year,” said Kazala in apparent reference to Chimumbwa. “I’ve been very loyal to the MMD. In the elections of 2006 I spent a lot of money, even part of my gratuity towards the campaigns. I lost but I didn’t petition.”
But Tetamashimba said MMD was likely to adopt Chimumbwa for the position.

“Chimumbwa is most likely to be adopted because of what we’ve been doing in the past. We can’t just stop on him. Even me when I was expelled from the UPND I was adopted. Who defeated the other between Chimumbwa and Kazala?” asked Tetamashimba.

Reminded that Chimumbwa might not be popular with the people of Nchanga especially with his statements over the Kafue River pollution by Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), Tetamahimba accused Sata of having told Chimumbwa to issue the statement.

“He directs. He just says go and do that,” said Tetamashimba.
Chimumbwa said the KCM pollution of the Kafue River was a ‘small’ mistake.
The Nchanga seat fell vacant after Chimumbwa resigned from the PF to join the MMD.

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