
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Keep your guns away, KK tells US

Keep your guns away, KK tells US
By Brighton Phiri
Wednesday September 05, 2007 [03:00]

DR Kenneth Kaunda has told the United States to keep its military guns away from Africa. And Dr Kaunda has asked Zambians to reflect on the need to serve God's purpose. Commenting on President Mwanawasa's declaration that his government would not give the United States of America sanctuary to establish a military base in Zambia, Dr Kaunda said it was disturbing for the US to consider establishing a military base in Africa instead of assisting the continent to empower its people.

"All I can tell the US is that...we don't want your guns, we want assistance that will help us empower our people," Dr Kaunda said.

He urged African leaders to desist from falling prey to the US' quest to establish its military base on the continent. President Mwanawasa, who is also SADC chairman, recently said none of the SADC countries were interested in the US's intention to set a military command centre in Africa.

"Each country has sovereignty to decide on that, but we will not as Zambia. We will not give them sanctuary. I think I can speak on behalf of the SADC region and none of us is interested," President Mwanawasa said.

And addressing a church gathering during the laying of the altar and foundation stone at Lusaka's Jesus Worship Centre, Dr Kaunda asked Zambians to reflect on the importance of love and compassion among them.

"As we bear witness to the laying of the altar and foundation stone at Jesus Worship Centre, let us reflect on the importance of love and compassion among us. Let us reflect on the need for world peace and understanding among nations," Dr Kaunda said. "Let us reflect on the need to promote peace and harmony for the human race. Let us reflect on the need to serve God's purpose, for he has shown us his infinite love for the human race."

He asked Zambians to consider the Church as a sacred place where they could find comfort, solace, sanctuary and where they were at peace with the Creator.
"Brothers and sisters in Christ, when we glorify our Lord's name, we are expressing our love to Him. For he has commanded us to love Him as our Creator with all our heart, soul and strength. This is how he wants us to relate to him. He has also commanded us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves and to do unto others, as we would have them do unto us. If these two commandments are strictly adhered to, our world would be a better place to live in," Dr Kaunda said.

Jesus Worship Centre Bishop Caddie Ng'ambi urged Zambians to rise up and build the broken walls.

Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda said the Church was not only for good people and that even those with questionable characters should be allowed to seek refugee in the Church.

"The church will never be strong unless our church leaders are building. Never scatter God's is abominable," Brig Gen Miyanda said. "We must help the nation come together...and the Bible is the best constitution that never needs amending."

Pentecostal Assemblies of Zambia general secretary Bishop Lawrence Chileshe asked Zambians to guard against Western cultures that eroded their Christian beliefs.
"The nonsense we are seeing in the Western world should not be allowed to come in this nation," Bishop Chileshe said.

"The fact that it is coming from America, it does not mean it is right...there are some terrible things coming from there. One of the terrible things they have done is to take out God from their living. For you ladies and gentlemen who have the platform in Parliament, please speak out...let us not take out God from Zambia."
Pastor Nevers Mumba reminded Zambians that when Zambia attained independence, Dr Kaunda introduced the "One Zambia, One Nation" motto for a purpose because the country had 73 tribes.

"Brethren, Dr Kaunda had a vision...when he introduced the “One Zambia, One Nation” slogan, he meant one country and one people...that was a spiritual declaration. We must remember that as people of different tribes, we are not rivals but partners to make Zambia a better country," Pastor Mumba said.

Chief Mumbi of the Nsenga people observed that continued quarrelling and differences among Zambians had brought about disunity in the country.
He asked Zambians to look up to God for guidance as they fought against the evil spirit of tribalism.

"We need to live in harmony with each other," he said.

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