
Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Inferiority complex
By Concerned citizen
Tuesday September 04, 2007 [04:00]

I quote from works and suply minister Kapembwa Simbao's speech at EIZ meeting:"There is a tendency that anything foreign in this country is superior". The question for the minister is, who is to blame for the tendency when the top- most leaders lead the way?

Let us start with medical treatment which is clearly noticeable by every citizen; where does our President rush to for medical treatment when he falls sick?

At enormous cost to the taxpayers; where does our former president Chiluba go for treatment?

Amidst all this lack of faith in medical expartise in the country by top political leadership, Professor Mubanga Kashoki proved to the nation that good knowledgeable expert doctors were available in the country to operate on his nervous system and restore his ability to walk again.

It only took faith in the local doctors by Professor Kashoki and the purchase of suitable instruments to save a lot of taxpayers’ money.
Therefore, Simbao, start clearing the bad tendency that anything foreign in Zambia is superior, from the top. Begining with 'the lawyer wama lawyer' Levy himself.

National development
By Jenkins Chisoni Glasgow
Tuesday September 04, 2007 [04:00]

The proposal by Professor Chirwa at the Engineering Institute of Zambia meeting in Lusaka that investors in the mining industry should have copper processed to finished products is a very good one, although there is nothing new about it when one remembers the birth of Zamefa of Luanshya from the KK days.

The professor also lamented the lack of surportive government policies to facilitate job creation by available Zambian engineers.
I agree with Prof Chirwa on that point but differ with him when he extends the blame to reliance on clonial policy framework for prosperity as that phase is long gone and KK tried very hard to bring in a new era which resulted even in the training of engineers like Professor Chirwa himself.

After KK, a killer void emerged for ten years with the ascendency to power of Chiluba who did not believe in development through education but political dribbling and thieving.
Engineering companies which used to supply services to the mining industry completely dried up on the copperbelt and Ndola in particular where the shell of a once upon a time vibrant industrial area can clearly be seen.

I urge the well-meaning Prof Chirwa to rally all engineers in Zambia to fight for a new people's constitution which is the only hope for Zambia's prosperity as it will ensure that any president in office is accountable to the people who put him or her in that office.
The progressive policies Prof Chirwa is rightly asking for can be assured by a new people's constitution.

Most of our bright engineers do not want anything to do with politics, but the message to such engineers is "creating national wealth through engineering excellence as the way forward for Zambia" starts with a good people's constitution.
You do not need to be in politics to fight for it but because it affects your life just as every citizen of Zambia.

By Mutondo Kambafwile.
Tuesday September 04, 2007 [04:00]

It was disheartening to see an honourable man such as foreign affairs minister Kabinga Pande dancing because some MP from Nchanga had ditched his party.

These are the people who tell us how committed they are to fighting poverty and developing our country, not forgetting their prudent management of the economy.

So Sata might have been right after all, Chimumbwa was bought! How much was he paid? You might finish Sata and the PF but by creating by-elections that are uncalled for, it’s not only Sata and the PF you are finishing.

You are finishing Zambians because instead of spending our money on health, education, roads, research and poverty reduction, you are wasting it on by-elections. So while you are rejoicing about your successful poaching of opposition MP's, we are annoyed that our taxpayers' money will be wasted on a by-election that could have been avoided.

A lot of money will be spent, going to Chingola to drum up support for the MMD candidate, ministers, party presidents and whoever else will camp that side and get allowances that aren't even necessary.

Please Nchanga residents, let's protest by teaching Chimumbwa a lesson. Let us not vote for him. The man even has the audacity to claim that he consulted the party leadership in Nchanga! My goodness me, which normal Zambian would allow somebody to defect so that money is wasted on a by-election?

We need honest and upright leaders. Nchanga residents, please turn up in large numbers to vote wisely. Chimumbwa must retire.

MMD presidency
By Concerned citizen
Tuesday September 04, 2007 [04:00]

Who is Tetamashimba to try to stop Sikatana vying for the MMD presidency? Mundia Sikatana lacks charisma? That is a big joke Teta. If anyone lacks charisma it is Tetamashimba himself. Being a bully like Teta does not present appreciable charisma to the electorate.

Teta, please tell us something we don't know about Sikatana, otherwise we know him as a very capable practical and honest former educationist, lawyer and politician. What beats these qualities, Teta? Allow the members or electorate of MMD to speak with their votes.
They do not need Teta's guidance or interferance.

Good leadership
By John Milimo
Tuesday September 04, 2007 [04:00]

I think each one of us has been disappointed in one way or the other by our political leaders who are good at rhetoric and not at being pragmatic. It is sad that this abnormality has become something normal in our country.

Character building is key to good leadership. Our country, being a Christian nation, should be saturated with christian principles so that our political leader may become more authentic and sincere in their leadership.

Morality is also key to the functioning of the state. The same moral norms that guide individual action should govern political activities. Our country can be well organised if only the leaders submit to the will of the people rather than being egotistic.

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