
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Levy's threat disturbed me - Banda

Levy's threat disturbed me - Banda
By Laura Mushaukwa
Thursday September 20, 2007 [04:00]

LOSING FDD candidate in the Kapoche by-election Charles Banda has said that he was disturbed by President Mwanawasa’s threat, prior to the election, to withhold relief food from the electorate if they voted for him (Banda). And a witness, Ilack Ngoma of Kanchenje Village in chief Mwanjabantu's area, testified that he was given a Siemens cell-phone and K20,000 to encourage people to vote for the MMD candidate, Professor Fashion Phiri.

In his evidence in chief led by his lawyer Chifumu Banda in a case where he has petitioned the election of MMD's Prof Phiri as member of Parliament for Kapoche, Banda explained that President Mwanawasa's remarks disturbed him because he, as custodian of the constitution, was contravening the electoral law by issuing threats and intimidation.

It is alleged that President Mwanawasa, prior to the June 5, 2007 by-election in Kapoche, told villagers that there would be no development or relief food in the area if they did not vote for the MMD candidate.

Banda attributed his loss during the June 5 by-election to what he termed a malicious, irresponsible and destructive campaign against him engineered by President Mwanawasa, Vice-President Rupiah Banda and other followers such as commerce deputy minister Dora Siliya.

Banda complained that President Mwanawasa took advantage of the hunger situation in the area by telling the villagers that there would be no relief food in the area if they voted for him (Banda) or any other candidate from the opposition.

He said during the campaign period government took graders to Kapoche to grade the Sinda - Nyanje road and the Petauke - Mwanjabantu road.

Banda disclosed that the Sinda-Nyanje road was only graded up to Mtema Village where Prof Phiri’s mother lived.

He told the court that just after the election, the graders were withdrawn from the constituency because it was a campaign ploy by the MMD aimed at encouraging the villagers to vote for Prof Phiri.

He cited the promise by Vice-President Banda to sink a borehole and grade a road as another gimmick aimed at hoodwinking the people of Kapoche to vote for Prof Phiri.

Banda testified that because of the illegal activities that characterised the by-election, he got less than 250 votes out of the 26 polling stations in Mwanjabantu area while Prof Fashion got over 3,000 votes.

Banda said in some polling stations he got one vote, the other candidates zero while Prof Phiri got about 250 votes. He also revealed that transport was provided at places such as Mimbayakana and Ching'ombe to take people to rallies. He said he petitioned the election results for the area to ensure that electoral malpractices were checked.

Banda told the court that President Mwanawasa, Vice-President Banda and other followers' utterances at the rallies were covered by The Post newspaper.

And Ngoma sent the court into laughter when he said during cross-examination that he voted for the MMD because he only wanted to have a taste of Nshima.

The Lusaka High Court had earlier nullified the Kapoche seat after establishing electoral malpractices. This is the second time Charles Banda is petitioning the results. Trial continues.

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