
Sunday, September 09, 2007

Lusaka mayor detests city's ugly buildings

Lusaka mayor detests city's ugly buildings
By Lambwe Kachali
Sunday September 09, 2007 [04:00]

LUSAKA mayor Stephen Chilatu has said it is embarrassing that after 43 years of independence, Lusaka still has ugly structures. In an interview after he was declared mayor of Lusaka on Friday, Chilatu said it was important that the council worked on changing the face of the city.

“I am in a hurry to develop Lusaka. Currently, it looks like a ghost city and it is our duty to ensure that the ugliness is addressed,” he said. Chilatu said it was also important to work on drainages in the city especially that the rain season was drawing nearer.

“We need to use all the resources at our disposal to prevent deaths that can be caused by lack of cleanliness,” he said.

He said councils had an obligation to ensure that people lived in a clean environment.
“For the past decades, Lusaka has not changed. There is poor drainage system. This is disappointing especially that the country is 43 years old. We need to make a difference immediately,” Chilatu said.

He said his council would ensure that Lusaka looked beautiful.
And Chilatu has appealed to the Patriotic Front (PF) leadership to help iron out the existing misunderstandings between councillors.
Chilatu said the PF would be misunderstood if there was no cooperation among PF councillors.

Charles Msiska (former deputy mayor) was on Wednesday advised not to contest the position of mayor because the party’s preferred candidate was Chilatu.
However, Msiska defied party directives and went ahead to contest as mayor of Lusaka.
Chilatu said PF could only deliver to people’s expectation if there was unity among themselves.

“This is so much a controversy. It is sad that some councillors cannot heed to party directives even after having several meetings with their leaders,” Chilatu said. “These differences really need to be ironed out not only between Msiska and I but among all councillors. I can see a big misunderstanding amongst ourselves.”
He also appealed to councillors to rally behind him if development was to be attained in their respective wards.

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