
Friday, September 21, 2007

SADC is on right track with Zim - Dr Salomao

SADC is on right track with Zim - Dr Salomao
By Bivan Saluseki
Friday September 21, 2007 [04:00]

THE Southern African Development Community (SADC) is on the right track with Zimbabwe, executive secretary Dr Tomaz Salomao has said. Dr Salomao said on Wednesday at Lusaka International Airport that SADC was there to stand by Zimbabwe.

"You cannot change the situation in Zimbabwe over-night. The situation is complex, is difficult. What is important is that SADC stands up and is there to help and to assist Zimbabweans overcome the difficulties they are facing," he said.

"That is the most important part of the problem. I don't know what means but some of the Western countries would like to see tough decisions on Zimbabwe but the problem is then, who manages the implications of such decisions. I think that we are in the right track because as a region we know exactly what they are doing and what we would do."

He said the West could not dictate to SADC on how it should handle problems in Zimbabwe.

"We have our own rules and ways of doing things. Nobody can come over and dictate how SADC can run the Zimbabwe issue. You are aware that when SADC met in Dar-es-Salaam in March at the extra ordinary summit, a decision was taken to mandate President Thabo Mbeki to facilitate dialogue between the parties," he said.

Dr Salomao said he was also tasked to make an assessment of the economic situation in Zimbabwe so that SADC could assist. He said President Mbeki made a report to the troika of the organ. Dr Salomao said the troika, too, submitted a report on what was being done in Zimbabwe.

"I don't see where the member states were divided on the issue of Zimbabwe. Member states expressed their own views but when it came to the decisions, member states were together. There is no way somebody from elsewhere can come over and try to dictate how SADC should deal with the issue of Zimbabwe. I think that SADC believes in what we are doing and I think that we are in the right direction, let's proceed," he said.

Dr Salomao said on the economic front, the decision of the summit was to have ministers of finance to meet and draw up a plan on how SADC could help. And Dr Salomao said President Mwanawasa had been invited to Botswana to check on the refurbishment of the SADC secretariat.

He said the physical infrastructure would cost between US$32 to US$35 million.
He said he had been in Lusaka to meet government authorities as a follow-up to the just-ended SADC meeting.

Dr Salomao said SADC member countries should focus on realising Africa's integration.
He said member states should not be pushed on which organisation they should belong to before assessment.

"We are not here to fight. No! We are here to avoid duplication, we want to facilitate free movement of goods and services," he said.

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