
Monday, September 10, 2007

Simenda bemoans govt's failure to discipline erring officers

Simenda bemoans govt's failure to discipline erring officers
By Mwala Kalaluka
Monday September 10, 2007 [04:00]

FORMER Parliamen-tary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Francis Simenda has said failure by the government to swiftly take disciplinary action against officers who misapply public funds is a minus in the fight against corruption. Commending his predecessor, Luena Independent member of parliament Charles Milupi on the manner the current PAC has fought the abuse of public funds, Simenda advised President Levy Mwanawasa not to tolerate abusers of public funds.

He said to take swift action against such officers would transform the abuse of public funds into a habitual problem.

“I think the appointing authority should ensure that those who are found with various cases repeatedly over the years are shown the door so that we can clean up this abuse of public money,” Simenda said.

“I must commend the Auditor General that she has continued to work very hard with her team and even the current PAC has so far done very well under the chairmanship of my brother Charles Milupi.”

He said it was well-known that it was the same ministries that were always found wanting when it came to failing to account for financial allocations.

“When you look at the reports it is the same ministries that are failing to account for and recover imprest from officers who travel and you find that the money that was supposed to be taken to needy areas ends up paying for poorly done contracts,” Simenda said. “Strict disciplinary action must be taken immediately.”

He said there was need for parliamentarians to come up with legislation that would ensure that the recommendations from the various parliamentary committees are complimented by biting powers.

“Members of parliament should find a way of enforcing these recommendations instead of them just remaining recommendations,” he said.

Simenda said he was however happy to note that the parliamentary reforms had in a way enhanced members of parliament’s oversight role.

“They are able to play an oversight role especially that they now visit these various projects,” he said.

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