
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sinyinda urges govt to tackle fish, cattle diseases

Sinyinda urges govt to tackle fish, cattle diseases
By Inonge Noyoo
Wednesday September 12, 2007 [04:00]

MMD Senanga member of parliament Clement Sinyinda has urged the government to launch an appeal for international assistance to tackle the fish and cattle diseases in Western Province. In an interview, Sinyinda said the whole Western Province should be declared a national disaster as the main source of livelihood was becoming extinct.

He said if the government could not solve the disease problem in the country they should seek international intervention.

“Western Province needs to be declared a national disaster. The fish disease cannot be contained by any authorities not even government and our only hope is the international community,” he said.

“The province has been struggling with CBPP and nothing tangible has been done to resolve the problem. Many people are still losing their cattle to this disease.”

Sinyinda said the effects of the fish and cattle disease may not be seen now but the government needed to realise that there would be long-term effects.

Sinyinda said the poverty levels were also propelled by the fact that many parts of Western Province such as Lukulu, Kalabo, Senanga and Kaoma had been hit by floods and were still recovering. He said the poverty levels in the province were likely to get higher as many people in Western Province were surviving on fishing and cattle herding.

He said the bad road network in the province was also contributing to the underdevelopment and urged government to urgently rehabilitate the Mongu-Senanaga road. He said the road was in a deplorable state and was almost impassable.

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