
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

(DAILY MAIL) Levy drops minister

Levy drops minister

PRESIDENT Mwanawasa has dropped Central Province minister, Sydney Chisanga and North-Western Province permanent secretary, Richard Salivaji, for unsatisfactory performance. Mr Chisanga’s position has been taken over by Mr Adamson Banda while Mr Salivaji has been replaced by Kapiri Mposhi district commissioner, Jestone Mulando. “In Central Province, I am not satisfied with the minister, Mr Chisanga’s performance and he is the only one I have asked to rest,” Dr Mwanawasa said. The President announced the developments at a press conference at State House yesterday.

Dr Mwanawasa has also retired Ministry of Defence permanent secretary, Joe Chitafu, removed Agriculture and Cooperatives permanent secretary, Richard Chizyuka and Gender and Women in Development (GIDD) permanent secretary, Ireen Ngilazi.

Dr Isaac Khozozo Phiri of the University of Zambia replaces Mr Chizyuka while Matondo Monde takes over at GIDD.

Dr Mwanawasa has appointed Mufumbwe member of Parliament, Misheck Bonshe, and his Senanga counterpart, Clement Sinyinda, as deputy ministers for Home Affairs and Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, respectively.

He appointed Sikongo member of Parliament, Mundia Ndalamei, as deputy minister of Works and Supply and moved Mr Benny Tetamashimba to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing where he has joined Mr Eustancio Kazonga.

The President has moved deputy minister of Education, Lucy Changwe, to the Ministry of Science and Technology and has transferred Ministry of Energy and Water Development permanent secretary, Dr Buleti Nsemukila to the same ministry.

Ministry of Energy and Water Development deputy minister, Friday Malwa, has gone to the Office of the Vice-President to replace Gladys Lundwe who has swapped positions with him.

Dr Mwanawasa has moved Northern Province permanent secretary, Joel Ngo, to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing.

He has promoted Lusaka district commissioner, Elijah Chisanga, to the position of permanent secretary for Lusaka Province to take over from Ms Susan Sikaneta who moves to the Ministry of Home Affairs to replace Peter Mumba who goes to the Ministry of Energy and Water Development.

And Dr Mwanawasa announced that he had instructed MMD national secretary, Katele Kalumba, to include the issue of his successor on the agenda of the next MMD national executive committee meeting.

Dr Mwanawasa said he would want to hear the NEC members’ views about the person who would succeed him. The President said, however, that he had his own preferences on the matter and was confident that the NEC would not object to his views on the likely successor.

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