
Friday, October 19, 2007

Hansungule asks stakeholders to meet their expenses at NCC

Hansungule asks stakeholders to meet their expenses at NCC
By Brighton Phiri
Friday October 19, 2007 [04:00]

Proffesor Michelo Hansungule has asked all stakeholders to pay for their participation in the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) in order to avoid any undue influence by the government Prof Hansungule, who is law lecturer at University of Pretoria, said it was possible to find committed women and men in the country, who would pay for their expenses during the NCC sessions.

“We need women and men who will pay for their expenses instead of being paid by the government for participating in NCC so that they are above any influence. Money is the source of all evils and we can see that even if the NCC Act is reconstructed to provide a much more fairer ground, money will still influence the process,” he said.

Prof Hansungule said money takes away the sacredness of the constitution and reduces the document and its content to a mere paper and ink, respectively.

“Stakeholders must work flat out to fight this because it is a serious danger to the whole concept. It should be possible, for example, to find women and men particularly the chairman and executive members of the Conference that will declare in advance that they are not in it for money,” he said.

Prof Hansungule said the constitution-making process should reflect certain minimum values.

“It being the most important activity the country engages in as a collective, it is hardly surprising that values must come first. It is important to recognise that more than the narrow provisions of the NCC Act, the real outcome of the Conference will flow only from its values,” he said.

“In other words, in reading the NCC Act, one must try and go beyond the provisions to the values beneath it to fully understand the whole story.”

Prof Hansungule said Zambians should be cautious with the government’s announcement that a sum of money had been set aside to fund the process when they had been, for many years, using the lack of money argument as the main obstacle against the holding of the Constituent Assembly demanded by various stakeholders.

“This is not exactly good news. It is good that money has been found to pay for the venue, paper, logistics like transport costs, etc. What is seriously worrying is that a big chunk of it will go towards compensation to the delegates,” he said.

“This is worrying because it is equal to corruption. All through Zambia’s constitution making processes, government has paid those appointed for writing the Constitution. The Constitution is a sacred document. It should not be driven by money. Hefty allowances paid to commissioners in the past and to be paid to the delegates grievously affects this sacredness.”

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