
Monday, October 22, 2007

(HERALD) Agric minister to meet governors

Agric minister to meet governors
Bulawayo Bureau

THE Minister of Agriculture, Cde Rugare Gumbo, will today meet provincial governors to discuss the forthcoming agricultural season. Cde Gumbo told farmers in Maphisa last week that his office would work closely with the country’s provincial leadership to fight hunger.

He said provincial administrators, district administrators and chiefs should be involved in the country’s agricultural activities.

He called on the farmers, especially in drought-prone provinces such as Matabeleland North and South, Midlands and Masvingo, to grow small grains in an effort to beat the adverse effects of erratic rains.

"We want farmers to plant at least one hectare of small grains this season. I will sit down with the governors this week to see how this will be financed," said Cde Gumbo.

He said farmers in drought-prone areas such as Matabeleland, Masvingo and the Midlands should each plant more than one hectare of millet or any small grain to boost food security in the country.

"Matabeleland, Masvingo and Midlands can focus on small grains because they are in (agro-ecological) Region Four and Five while Region Two and Three will grow maize and soyabeans," he said.

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