
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jubilee Zambia receives global leadership award

Jubilee Zambia receives global leadership award
By Mutuna Chanda
Tuesday October 23, 2007 [04:00]

JUBILEE Zambia has been awarded the Jubilee Global Leadership award for its relentless efforts in campaigning for debt cancellation. Presenting the award in Washington last Thursday, Jubilee United States of America Network coordinator Neil Watkins said Jubilee Zambia had been consistent in highlighting the case of Zambia before the country reached the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) completion point and after.

“It has been a strong voice in the debt cancellation movements and you will understand that it is a consistent voice which has been in the forefront of identifying new critical issues and providing strategic ideas on how to deal with the challenges beyond HIPC and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI),” Watkins said.

Receiving the award, Jubilee Zambia coordinator Muyatwa Sitali called for reforms that would ensure responsible borrowing and lending.

“In most low-income countries, policy, legal and institutional reforms are needed urgently. Such reforms will compel responsible contraction of loans, prudent utilisation of debt resources and bring about a society based on values of participation and accountability in both creditor and debtor nations,” Sitali said.

“It is an appreciated honour to receive this award on behalf of many Zambians who are part of the campaign for total debt cancellation and an effective debt management system.

This award is symbolic of the sacrifices Zambians made for the country to reach the completion point; it therefore is dedicated to all actors who have been concerned about the debilitating effects of debt.”

“We owe this award to campaigners, academicians, activists, advocates both in Zambia and outside, our supporters and partners who have always provided us with the support and visionary ideas to make the campaign relevant,” Sitali said.

“Today, Zambia is one of the 21 beneficiaries of HIPC and MDRI but the work for effective debt management so that our country does not fall back into unsustainable debt has just gained centre stage.

While debt write-offs have been part of our goal, we know that in themselves debt write-offs are not the ultimate solution to the debt problem.”

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