
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Keep Zim mediation secret, says Changara

Keep Zim mediation secret, says Changara
By Maluba Kaindu-Jere
Tuesday October 30, 2007 [03:00]

PRE-empting South Africa’s mediation in the Zimbabwean crisis may frustrate the process, Oasis of Life lead pastor of Bulawayo Dickson Changara has said. Pastor Changara said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that it was best the mediation process be kept secret as disclosing it could sway the outcome of the process which he said was a timely intervention.

“It is obvious that we need people that are willing to come and help us. South Africa has a quiet diplomacy and I believe it is helping Zimbabwe in some ways. But on the mediation being kept secret, I feel if the process is pre-emptied it could frustrate the efforts,” he said. “I believe South Africa and president Mugabe are working on ensuring Zimbabweans got what is best for them.”

Pastor Changara described the situation in Zimbabwe as complicated but that President Mugabe was trying his best to revive the economy. He said it was important for the government to reach the grassroots and implement policies that would benefit the ordinary people.

Asked on what his mission to Zambia was, Pastor Changara said Zambia at one time experienced what Zimbabwe was currently going through hence he came to learn how Zambia resolved her problems. He said Zimbabweans were anxious to see things return to normal and were looking forward to a speedy recovery of the economy.

“The situation in Zimbabwe is bad such that even the basic commodities are not readily available in the shops, people queue for bread being baked and others cross borders to look for food,” he said. “I feel that the government needs to reach the grassroots and implement policies that will benefit everyone.”

Asked what he thought about the pace at which President Mbeki’s mediation process was moving, Pastor Changara responded: “If people are hungry and you tell them you will have your food next week, do you think that is good enough?”

Pastor Changara observed that President Mugabe had his own views on the matter and that there was need for the issue of Zimbabwe to be sorted out by themselves.
Changara said this stance did not mean other countries could not assist physically as long as they did not impose requirements or conditions.

“The crisis in Zimbabwe can be sorted out by Zimbabweans; we need the international community to understand what people are going through,” he said.

Pastor Changara observed that the poor harvest which resulted in reduced production levels had worsened the food shortages in Zimbabwe.

The SADC extraordinary summit of heads of state tasked South African President Thabo Mbeki to mediate in Zimbabwe’s political and economic crisis.

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