
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Launch of SADC Free Trade Area vital for private sector - Dr Salomao

Launch of SADC Free Trade Area vital for private sector - Dr Salomao
By Bivan Saluseki
Tuesday October 16, 2007 [04:00]

SADC executive secretary Dr Tomaz Salomão has said the launch of the SADC Free Trade Area will be a new progressive development of significant importance to the private sector and all stakeholders in the region. During the Communications Strategy and Plan of Action for the SADC FTA meeting in Botswana, Dr Salomão said it was everyone's collective responsibility to drive the SADC regional integration agenda.

"For the imperatives of our situation to address issues of poverty, employment creation, the challenges of HIV-AIDS dictate that we all move together with resolve and clarity," he said.

According to a statement released yesterday, Dr Salomão said the region should strive towards achieving sustainable development and the process of consolidating trade and economic integration agenda.

He said the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) and the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ (SIPO) provided a basis for the SADC Regional Integration Strategy and Programme.

The RISDP specifically calls for the establishment of the SADC Free Trade Area (FTA) by 2008; a SADC Customs Union by 2010; a SADC Common Market by 2015; a SADC Monetary Union by 2016; and a single currency by 2018.

In order to ensure that the milestones as contained in the RISDP were achieved, the SADC Summit had agreed to establish a Ministerial Task Force, comprising Ministers responsible for Finance and Investment, Trade, Development and Planning to spearhead the acceleration and implementation of the SADC Economic Integration Agenda.

Dr Salomão said the purpose of the communications strategy and Action Plan was to help direct and guide the process of public information dissemination and education, in order for the stakeholders to take full advantage of the opportunities that the FTA would provide.

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