
Friday, October 12, 2007

LETTERS - Management, Fuel, Treason

Business management
By Murray Sanderson
Friday October 12, 2007 [04:00]

It is wrong to blame our politicians and civil servants for messing up fuel supplies and disrupting the economy. Why do I say this? Because government servants lack business training and expertise, so they are bound to make mistakes. What is wrong is not their mishandling of matters affecting vital fuel supplies, but that they handling them at all.

It is often said that the governments must manage certain key sectors of the economy. This has been said at one time or another of agricultural inputs, banking, maize marketing, mining, railways and the supply of electricity and petroleum products.

All these areas of economic activity are commonly termed 'strategic', and must therefore be managed and controlled by the government.

In reality, however, the strategic nature of these industrial activities is the very reason why governments should NOT attempt to run them, but should leave that task to professionally competent managers.

These vital business organisations are then likely to be efficient and well-financed partners in the nation's economy.

As such, they will contribute greatly to economic growth, and will probably make substantial pre-tax profits, instead of hindering economic development and running up huge hidden losses.

In the unlikely event of large private sector businesses making losses, these will be borne by their own shareholders, not by the Zambian taxpayer.

How much more loss and dislocation will Zambians have to put up with before we acknowledge that 'strategic' industries should not be run by governments, but by independent and professional businesses?

Fuel shortage
By Collen Zulu Ndola
Thursday October 11, 2007 [04:00]

I wish to add my comments on the shortage of fuel that the country is currently going through. It seems that we (Zambians) are good at formulating polices but find it hard to implement or do not understand what we are trying to do. The country shouldn’t be experiencing fuel shortage with the strategic reserve fund.

The lame explanation by ERB that this fund has helped to stabilise fuel prices through subsidies is not welcome. Then call the strategic reserve fund as 'price stabilisation fund'. Some non-oil producing developed and developing countries are talking of over 20 years of fuel stocks.

We are not asking for 20 years. That will be too much. But being assured that the nation would have stocks for two weeks after a looming shortage is not good for us at all.

One wonders what statistics are used to arrive at this because the demand for fuel is increasing by the day, considering that we are importing thousands of vehicles per month.

With the strategic reserve fund, we SHOULD and MUST move away from two weeks to at least six months, one year and so on (of fuel stocks) as we accumulate more and more reserves.

We have a lot of land, some of which can be turned into “oil fields” while utilising the strategic reserve fund. And that can be a strategy!

Threats in a democracy
By Ba Biggy
Friday October 12, 2007 [04:00]

I wish to make a comment on the threats that our respected and highly placed President has issued to those he thinks are fighting the government over the NCC.

Are they really fighting the government?

In my view and conviction, what The Post newspaper has been saying about Levy's idea as the one to give the nation the constitution has clearly come out.

He sees it as his government’s duty to give the people a constitution and thus he is prepared to fight whoever is opposed to it.

Let the entire nation, of course with the exception of Levy’s minions, make it clear to Mwanawasa that this is not his duty because the costitution is not about what the government in power thinks but what the people want. Shame on you Levy! You seem to have forgotten that this is a democratic country.

Are you a dictator? As far as I am concerned, you are wrong! If you can now threaten anyone who questions the credibility of your government policies, then you are. Come on, be democratic.

Levy and treason
By Concerned citizen
Friday October 12, 2007 [04:00]

“I have come back a changed person.

Let me hear no more nonsense bordering on malice, they are going to be arrested and charged with treason, and bail is not available to treason.”

Power intoxicates, and when you are intoxicated with power, you really are. Mwanawasa was just waiting for the NCC Act to be law and any opposing view is treason.

Twaafwa fwe balefwaya full participation.
It is under Mwanawasa where treason has easily been committed yet no arrests. Lawyer wa ma lawyer, now doctor in law, has blown it again.

Mwanawasa should know that dissenting views are not treason but a democratic right. He is just wasting people’s time by uttering such statements.

Education impasse
By FarmerGwembe
Friday October 12, 2007 [04:00]

First, allow me to thank The Post for being impartial in their reporting.

Congratulations too to Dr Levy Mwanawasa for the honour bestowed on him by Harding University of the USA. With regard to the closure of CBU, I would like to state that the government has failed to show any political will.

This clearly indicates that the government has no regard for education. I wonder whether this millennium development goal will be achieved.

It is undisputed fact that every Zambian knows what transpired at CBU. All press statements were released to use students as scapegoats.

As a parent and a farmer who toils to generate additional money for my boy, and like many other parents, we cannot afford to see our children suffer in silence. I would also like to read about my son boast about having graduated with a merit.

Therefore I appeal to Mwanawasa to intervene in this matter. I want to remind all government officials that they are in the comfort zone today but it will not be forever.

Just because you can manage to send your children abroad does not mean you should neglect our children. We put you where you are to do what is best for us.

I know that the new deal government cannot let us down now by remaining mute on the matter. Mwanawasa, help us reopen CBU.

Levy and treason
By Concerned citizen
Friday October 12, 2007 [04:00]

“I have come back a changed person.

Let me hear no more nonsense bordering on malice, they are going to be arrested and charged with treason, and bail is not available to treason.”

Power intoxicates, and when you are intoxicated with power, you really are. Mwanawasa was just waiting for the NCC Act to be law and any opposing view is treason.

Twaafwa fwe balefwaya full participation.
It is under Mwanawasa where treason has easily been committed yet no arrests. Lawyer wa ma lawyer, now doctor in law, has blown it again.

Mwanawasa should know that dissenting views are not treason but a democratic right. He is just wasting people’s time by uttering such statements.

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