
Monday, October 15, 2007


Who is a true Zambian?
By Jenkins Chisoni Glasgow
Monday October 15, 2007 [04:00]

The issue of who is a true Zambian and who isn't has been shied away from public discussion for a very long time in our country and since the subject has resurfaced through none other than the chairman of the ruling MMD, I would like to ask Michael Mabenga to define who qualifies to be called a true Zambian and whom, specifically, he was referring to as "foreigners bent on destabilising national peace".

Some politicians have a tendency of using divide and rule tactics when it suits them, which are usually detrimental to peace in the country. When it suits Mabenga to say something about the ongoing constitution-making process and the NCC, instead of making real contributions, he decides to eliminate some legitmate Zambians as ‘foreigners’ so that they can shut up.

When it suited Chiluba at the the Mutomboko ceremony during his first term as president, he announced to the nation "Never again shall Zambia be ruled by a foreigner". This Chiluba said with pomp and impunity, without any regard to his own dubious parentage, as long as he had said something to disparage or eliminate his arch enemy Kenneth Kaunda politically.

Examples of misuse of tribe to gain political mileage gain are innumerable, especially by those who percieve themselves as coming from very big influencial tribes.

This is all very wrong as it does not help to build our "One Zambia, one nation" motto.

Levy and NCC
By Ngoshe, Ndola
Monday October 15, 2007 [04:00]

I wish to throw all my weight in support of Brig Gen Miyanda's response to Sangwa's articles. I have been in the middle all along regarding the impasse on the NCC debate.

I was not sure whether those calling for a boycott had a valid point to stay away but now I see the reasons. I think those independent institutions who have boarded the NCC wagon and hope that they will take unsettled issues to conference will have a shock of their lives (that is if they mean well on the unsettled issues otherwise they are just interested in allowances). Why are they going to be shocked?

1. The issue on numbers cannot be tabled before the NCC hence the goverment and its allies will be in greater majority. Any issue that is not agreed by general consesus will be subject to a vote and we know what that means.

2. Going by the President's recent threats, I do not see any member from government institutions and departments raising strong views against the government's position in the conference. Remember the OP will be present and therefore these members would be intimidated, more so if our 'changed' doctor will be in the house.

We should not leave things to chance just because voting will be through a ballot. Before the NCC is convened, every stakeholder should be comfortable with numbers they go along with.

The goverment should be more accomodating instead of threatening everyone who challenges them with valid points for consideration. They should open up and dialogue with other stakeholders opposed to the NCC for the better Zambia. The constitution should be embraced by all stakeholders and citizens of this great Republic, not just the politicians.
I would like to see a final debate on NCC on ZNBC featuring Brig Gen Miyanda, Fr Frank Bwalya, John Sangwa, Mike Mulongoti and Wila Mung'omba.

I was blind but now I see what the government is up to. Viva democracy, not dictatorship.

Mabenga’s outburst
By L. Phiri
Monday October 15, 2007 [04:00]

The statement by Mabenga that a few people who are against the NCC are foreigners bent on destabilising the national peace cannot go without a comment.

First, Mabenga be assured we are not few. If anything we outnumber you and your party MMD.

Second, who is destabilising the country; yourself for those charges levelled against you in the courts of law or someone who is genuinely criticising your NCC?

It is better for people like you to keep quiet and ask for forgivenss from the people of Zambia for what you have done.

Don't just speak to impress your master. Remember that one day, the will of the people will prevail.

Levy should apologise
Sunday October 14, 2007 [04:00]

May I please advise our President to apologise over his utterances upon arrival from the US.

I was very much surprised to hear Levy's threats on any Zambian who questions the NCC process.

There is no way a well- respected superior like Levy coming from US only with threats, is that what he meant by saying that 'he had come back a changed person?'

Please Levy apologise for your remarks because you were wrong, this is a democractic nation and this country and all the citizens do not belong to you!

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