
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Levy hints on successor

Levy hints on successor
By Bivan Saluseki in Kasama
Friday October 19, 2007 [11:31]

PRESIDENT Levy Mwanawasa has hinted that his successor should be a farmer like himself. And there was confusion at Kasama Airstrip on Thursday when MMD chairman Griever Sikasote and Northern Province minister Lameck Chibombamilimo tried to outwit each other on who should greet the President first and who should introduce him, prompting President Mwanawasa to intervene and asking the duo to sort out their rivalry.

Meanwhile, Sikasote said MMD in the province would not tolerate any MMD presidential campaigns without the National Executive Committee giving a go ahead.

Just before President Mwanawasa arrived, some MMD members grabbed a banner which had a message congratulating President Mwanawasa for his doctorate and appointing a 'hard working Chibombamilimo

'The message seemingly did not please some senior members who grabbed it, folded it leaving only one where President Mwanawasa was being praised.

Immediately, President Mwanawasa's plane touched down, Sikasote raised his MMD sign higher than Chibombamilimo and almost getting to the plane's wings.

When President Mwanawasa came out, Sikasote was the first on the line of dignitaries instead of Chibombamilimo.

But President Mwanawasa, apparently having been told what was happening on the ground by intelligence officers, went straight to greet Chibombamilimo before greeting Sikasote.

Sikasote was the closest to President Mwanawasa and led him to the podium with Chibombamilimo trailing behind.

During introduction, the master of ceremonies requested Sikasote to address the people but President Mwanawasa instructed that Chibombamilimo be given the microphone.
"Before I say something I would like to call upon the provincial chairman to say a few words," said Chibombamilimo.

When Sikasote took over, he said all party officials who were pursuing personal agendas, personal interest, including corrupt practices would be dealt with by the party mercilessly.

He thanked the President for coming.

"I wish on behalf of MMD, the people of Nrthern Province and indeed on my own behalf to welcome you to Kasama and Northern Province as a whole. I wish to thank you for coming to Northern Province.

I congratulate you for having been awarded a law degree. I also want to bring to your attention that as MMD in the province, we have decided that we put Northern Province first.

And all party officials who are pursuing personal agendas, personal interest, including corrupt practices will be dealt with by the party mercilessly. Another issue, there will be no MMD presidential campaign in the province because we want to focus on the development agenda in the province.

If we allow the campaign without NEC giving the green light, we will destabilise the party and lose focus on the development agenda.

With those few words your Excellency, my I take the opportunity, the privilege of calling upon your Sir to address the people," said Sikasote as people clapped.

He immediately realized that he had left out Chibombamilimo before he exclaimed: 'ooh.'
Chibombamilimo tried to get the microphone and call on the President but President Mwanawasa cut him mid way through his sentence.
President Mwanawasa said he was sad to hear stories of disunity in Northern Province.

"I want this party to continue to be strong and win even the next, next, next elections and form government.

If we are weak and we allow ourselves to be voted out of office, you will never forgive ourselves. MMD today occupies a very important position in this nation. We have the experience, we have the knowledge," he said.
He said anyone to replace him should be like him.
"We don't want to have this campaign disrupted.

I want, ine president inga nalikwata ifibala, no wukampyana wine afwile akwata ifibala (If me as President I have farms, even the one to succeed me should have farms).

So you allow a leopard to be succeeded by a hippo or to be succeeded by a hippo which has turned...capsized a boat?

Then there is nothing which you are doing. It is important that these quarrels which we have should be resolved as quickly as possible.

I understand that there is much rivalry between the provincial chairman and the provincial minister. This is why I was forced to do the unexpected.

It is the provincial minister who receives me and introduces and calls on the provincial chairman to speak. It all started from the aircraft. The moment I came out, the provincial chairman wanted to greet me. It's not done that way. So provincial chairman, you are a leader.

Show them the good example. If you quarrel among yourselves then you are making your supporters to also quarrel. They will also be at each other's neck.

"President Mwanawasa said he was happy with the reception he got in Kasama.

He said people were set for the installation of Paramount Chief Chitimukulu.

"I hope that you are all geared to witness both this event. I wish on behalf of government to congratulate you. We respect the fact that he was picked by the royal electorate.

Those who love that he was the one chosen and those who were very much against him should not fall behind him, rally behind him to give him every possible support," President Mwanawasa said.

"I hope that this fighting and bickering to disrespect somebody elected should be left to the Office of the President. If you don't respect them, then you are saying we are not worthy being respected ourselves. Now that is a very unfortunate thing."

On his doctorate, President Mwanawasa said it was honorary.
He said he would not use his doctorate to go to a personnel manager and ask for a job.

He said he was proud that people who were thousands of miles away were appreciating Zambia and that he was happy that they saw him fit to get the honour.
And in an interview later, Sikasote said there was no rivalry and everything would be resolved.

He said he would not comment because President Mwanawasa was going to meet them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Ba Post! Me thinks ifibala means spots -- ala leopard -- and farms in bemba should be amabala and not ifibala. Ifikopo fya ma journalists!
