
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mugabe mocks US

Mugabe mocks US
By George Chellah
Wednesday October 10, 2007 [04:00]

Presdent Robert Mugabe has mocked the United States government, saying Zimbabwe still imports equipment from US manufacturers through 'its friends' despite the sanctions and trade restrictions imposed by the West. The US government through its Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act bans US companies from dealing with the Zimbabwean government.

And President Mugabe also said Zimbabwe still exports its tobacco to Europe. During the launch of the second phase of the farm mechaniSation programme on Monday, President Mugabe said his government had used “its friends” to evade US restrictions and import equipment from that country.

“Right now, they are surprised as to the source of financing for these tractors and equipment. Right now, we have tractors from the United States the source of hard core sanctions,” said President Mugabe amidst a loud laughter from the crowd.

“We have our own way of bringing them (tractors) here. When our friends buy these tractors we also in turn buy them from our friends.”

He also bragged that Zimbabwe still exports its tobacco to Europe.

“They love our tobacco. They smoke our tobacco. We sell them our tobacco and Zimbabwean meat in Europe,” President Mugabe said.

The United States, European Union (EU), Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland have cut direct assistance to Zimbabwe and imposed ‘smart’ sanctions against President Mugabe and his officials.

The US government through its Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act bans US firms from dealing with the Zimbabwean government.

President Mugabe also called for unity between the ruling ZANU-PF and the MDC to revive the agricultural sector.

“Let’s work together all of us. We all need food whether we belong to ZANU-PF or the MDC. We eat the same food so let’s unite for one goal,” President Mugabe said.

“When these tractors are distributed we won’t consider whether one is a member of ZANU-PF or the MDC. The issue of food affects everyone, whatever one’s totem is.”
He also warned businesses against profiteering.

“We urge businesses to be disciplined in their conduct. I am told the price of bread has gone up from the gazzetted prices,” President Mugabe said.

“Those who unjustifiably increase prices, I am ready to fight. Even though I am 84, I can still throw strong punches that can knock you down but we don’t want to fight unnecessarily. Let us work together, within the context of the social contract, in grooming a lasting culture of sensible business ethics and practices.”

He urged farmers to play their various productive roles in increasing volumes of the many vital crops they cultivate.

“Viewed against the shameless, unrelenting and futile attempts by our detractors to cause chaos and disorder in our economy through illegal sanctions and various ways of sabotage, such as the inexplicable increases in prices of basic commodities, the weapon of generating our own self-sufficiency is indeed an invincible one,” President Mugabe said.

President Mugabe called on all players in various sectors to re-double emphasis on production.

“It is only through increased production of goods that we can successfully tame the heinous monster of inflation,” said President Mugabe.

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