
Friday, October 05, 2007

(HERALD) Nguni urges farmers to raise production

Nguni urges farmers to raise production
Farmer Reporter

FARMERS should focus on ensuring national food security and making the agricultural sector the main source of raw materials for the manufacturing industry, a Cabinet minister said yesterday. Speaking at a graduation ceremony at Chibero Agricultural College near Norton, the Minister of Economic Development, Cde Sylvester Nguni, said there was need to have vibrant people in the agricultural sector to ensure increased production.

"The prevailing economic environment dictates that improving the agricultural sector cannot be the responsibility of Government alone but of all strategic stakeholders. Government is determined to join hands with the private sector in serving the farming communities by financing the coming agricultural season’s input requirements in keeping with the vision to eradicate food shortages," Cde Nguni said.

He urged college graduates to be highly active in the agricultural industry after graduation for the purpose of prosperity in the sector.

"Students should use their training programmes as a vehicle for equipping young men and women with agricultural knowledge and skills that empower them to tackle challenges facing the agricultural sector," he said.

Cde Nguni invited stakeholders with key interests to join the Government in its efforts to engage all land reform beneficiaries and lead them towards a common goal of transforming the agricultural sector into a vibrant industry.

At least 125 graduates were conferred with national diplomas, higher national diplomas and certificates with the best student, Innocent Dube, taking home $61 million donated by various firms.

Chibero Agricultural College principal Mr Moffat Nyamangara emphasised to the students that they should use their newly acquired skills to serve the nation.

"I am convinced that the training at this college has imparted you with skills that will enable you to facilitate recovery and assist both new and existing farmers in finding lasting solutions to production problems in agriculture," he said.

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