
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

(OECD, ZIC) Policy Reform For Investment - The case of Zambia

Policy Reform for Investment:
The case of Zambia
By Chola Abel MWITWA
Director-Aftercare & Business Development Services

I came across this file, while searching for the Triangle Of Hope concept, which apparently was already in existence in 1992. President Mwanawasa mentioned this as one way he would pay attention to the domestic economy instead of foreign investment.

The problem I have is that the government doesn't seem to take initiative in the involvement of the ordinary citizen in the economy. Waiting for taxation of their wages from their employment in foreign firms seems to have been the only way the state wanted to benefit from the mines, at least until recently.

If they're not careful, Zimbabwe will overtake Zambia when their land reform program takes off. It will be the final laying to rest of the case for neoliberalism.

A few comments on this file:

- Non-discrimination as a general principal underpinning laws and
regulations governing investment

Isn't the government in direct violation of this rule every time they advantage foreign investors and businesses over Zambian investors and businesses?

1 comment:

  1. I don't quite understand what baMwitwa is trying to say. The reality of life is that a country is not developed solely by its own citizenry; immigrants are required - you only have to look at western countries. However, Zambia does not want them, only mining companies and the waChinee. Even the Zambia Business Forum had the Chairman of its PSDRP - a blatantly indigenous Zambian programme saying recently, "Zambia for the Zambians!" The CEE Act is now king here, an Act which will not spread employment and benefits to the rural disenfranchised. And baMwitwa's own ZDA is an impotent organization selling investment certificates to investors knowing that it is the Minister of Home Affairs and his Department of Immigration who decide who should be here or not. Self-employment permits are being withdrawn or not renewed as a result of the decisions of political masters and without due process. Investors are being misled and debagged, and their employees and programmes locked out. The ZDA Agency Act of 20007 is a farce. Wake up Zambia.
