
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Russia will fight any power setting up military bases in Africa - envo

Russia will fight any power setting up military bases in Africa - envo
By Oliver Sinyangwe, Maluba Kaindu-Jere and Mutale Kapekele
Thursday October 25, 2007 [04:01]

We will resist attempts by any foreign power to set up military structures in Africa, Russia’s Ambassador to Zambia Dr Anvar Azimov has warned. And Ambassador Azimov has said Africa should sort out its own problems without external interference. Addressing 24 trainee journalists at Post Newspapers in Lusaka on Monday, Dr Azimov said Russia would fight any power setting up military bases in Africa because it was opposed to any foreign military presence in Africa as it was an act of imperialism.

“In my opinion, Americans are not approaching Zambia much on the AFRICOM. We questioned why the US should expand its military operations,” he said.

Recently the US proposed setting up a military base in one of the African countries. Some African countries have objected to the idea while three countries, among them Sierra Leon and Liberia, seem to favour the idea.

Ambassador Azimov said Russia was in favour of peace and stability in Africa and hoped that Africa would settle her internal disputes.

Dr Azimov also appealed to the US to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan and let the United Nations take over.

“If Africa wants progress, she has to settle all her internal disputes. It is up to the African Union with the help of the UN to solve Africa’s problems. Other countries can offer technical assistance in peace keeping missions,” he said. “If there are military problems, they must be solved by the AU. If it fails they can apply for assistance from the UN.”

He said this stance did not imply that there was enmity between Russia and America. He said the US was Russia’s strategic partner in development as there were no ideological barriers between the two countries since Russia had also become a capitalist economy.
He also said the US was one of the important export markets for Russia’s resources such as petroleum and gas.

“We no longer have ideological barriers. America is our strategic partner but unfortunately they are trying to establish military bases in Africa. Any foreign military presence in Africa is inconsistent with development,” Dr Azimov said.

He also reiterated President Vladimir Putin’s recent statement that Russia would not take kindly to any attacks by the US on Iran, Syria or North Korea. Dr Azimov said Russia would never allow what happened to Iraq to happen to any of the countries perceived by America as advancing nuclear ambitions.

He said that Russia was in a good position economically and militarily at the moment to counter any US military action, unlike at the time when America invaded Iraq.

“We appeal to the US to withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan because they will not succeed to defeat the Talibans. Let them solve their own problems,” he said. “I’m sorry to say this, Russia has got superiority in nuclear and atomic weapons over America. It is also the biggest supplier of military equipments in the world.”

On the proliferation of nuclear weapons, Dr Azimov said it was dangerous and Russia would fight it.

“As a member of the UN Security Council, we are opposed to uranium enrichment for military purposes but at the same time we shall not allow military actions against Iran by the US and sanctions are not the best solution as they affect the ordinary people like is the case in Zimbabwe,” Dr Azimov said.

And Dr Azimov said Russia was helping the Ministry of Defence to modernise armed forces whose armament was mostly Russian. He said Russia was also giving technical support to the defence forces as well as helping 40 Zambians attend peace-keeping training.
He also praised the government’s foreign policy which he described as bold and positive.

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