
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Sata's cheap propaganda

Sata's cheap propaganda
By Editor
Tuesday October 02, 2007 [04:00]

We know Michael Sata has the propensity to twist things or certain facts to suit his selfish agenda. We also know that Sata has a soft spot for all the people accused of plunder of national resources. That is why we are not surprised to hear him claim that Xavier Chungu’s illegal exist from Zambia was facilitated for him by the government because he was tasked to collect evidence against former president Frederick Chiluba. But in whose interest does Sata want to twist straight facts?

Yes, the government might have some questions to answer on how Chungu fled undetected since we are told that he was under 24-hour surveillance by security agencies. But we think that it is cheap propaganda for Sata to claim that the government deliberately allowed Chungu to escape from justice.
We say this because Chungu has told us several times that he fled the country because he received intelligence information that there was a plot by the government to either assassinate or arrest him over some unbailable offence so he could be confined to prison walls. Chungu has very consistently maintained this position. Even when he openly supported Sata against President Levy Mwanawasa during the run-up to last year’s general elections, Chungu insisted that he wanted Levy out of State House so he could return to Zambia without fearing to be incarcerated by Levy. He said Levy had something against him, and that was why he wanted to imprison him over malicious allegations.
In short, Chungu’s position is that he fled the country for his personal security and not to collect evidence against Chiluba from all over the world.
Is it not a paradox, then, that a man who desperately wants to imprison Chungu at all costs can willingly facilitate his flight out of the country? Has Sata forgotten that Chungu attempted to flee before he actually managed to escape? Has he forgotten that Chungu was captured by our security agencies in Mansa in the company of his children and his late wife as he tried to run away from justice? Has Sata forgotten that a South African pilot who was hired to fly Chungu and his family out of the country from Kawambwa district told a magistrates’ court that Chungu’s partners in crime, among them Katebe Katoto, paid him US $10,000 to execute that mission? Is it surprising, then, that Chungu finally fled from justice?
We do not think Sata is unaware of all these facts. What he is trying to do now is to deliberately mislead our people for his cheap political popularity. Sata wants to portray himself as someone who always knows something about everything. He wants to speak with such authority on every issue even when he knows little or nothing about it.
But Sata should be reminded that no evil could triumph over truth. He can try to manipulate truth for his personal gain but truth will always prevail. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, the innocent one will always be vindicated.
If indeed Levy wants to persecute Chungu for whatever reasons, he will be exposed for what he is. And if Chungu, on the other hand, wants to falsely accuse Levy, the truth will one day deal with him.
Whatever the case, it cannot be denied that Chungu did some wrong things, and is afraid to account for his actions during the ten years he served as intelligence chief. If the allegations against him are malicious, why should he avoid exonerating himself before the courts of law? How can Chungu justifiably claim that the system intends to assassinate him when Chiluba, who is alleged to have stolen much more than him is freely walking the streets of Lusaka? And how can he reasonably sustain this claim when he is not the only man accused of plunder of national resources?
The Bible says there is time for everything. Chungu and his friends had the time to do whatever they did when they had the opportunity to rule the country. Now is the time to account for everything they did during their rule. If they did nothing wrong, and they are being wrongly accused, there is no need for them to worry because the truth shall set them free.
That is why Sata should be denounced for peddling this cheap propaganda about Chungu’s disappearance. Of course we know that Sata will seize every opportunity to defend those accused of plunder. That is why he even pledged to pardon all those accused of plunder by Levy’s government. He made a public pronouncement that as soon as he went to State House, Chungu would be heading back home to be freed from all allegations against him. He said this with no shame.
But Sata should not think that he can deceive our people all the time. Yes, he can successfully do that sometimes but he will do well to remind himself that he will have to tell a thousand lies to defend one lie. He should also remember that lies have very short legs to stand on.
And from his talk, we can say that it is Sata himself, and not the government, who knows more about Chungu’s illegal exit from Zambia because he is disclosing things about Chungu’s movements outside the country. He even knows about the longer route that Chungu allegedly used out of the country into the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It is ironic that Sata is claiming Chungu went to the DRC from Zambia when Chungu has several times denied ever passing through the DRC from Zambia. Anyway, that is Sata for you.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Leave Sata alone. We know you have been bought by the Government. You are no longer critical of this Government at all. We need another paper with principles. You decampaigned Sata up to the last minute despite that he won and you know but you looked the other way for reasons best known to yourselves. If you love this country start operating the way you started. Do not personalise issues please.

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sata(N) has always tried to fool Zambians, his violent nature, his comfort in the company of thieves until he was as expected betrayed is testimony enough.

    Regarding the post, its not always objective but they have been consistent on their record against plunderers, thieves and tribalist clowns.

  3. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sata has always been an idiot. He can not fool anyone anymore, and the beauty is that he will never be the Prez of Zambia. Never! What chutzpah!
