
Thursday, October 04, 2007

'Secret talks won't end Zim crisis'

'Secret talks won't end Zim crisis'
By George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Thursday October 04, 2007 [04:00]

The future of Zimbabwe cannot be resolved by secret talks between MDC and ZANU-PF, Zimbabwean civil society organisations have stated. And the civil society has stated that despite the SADC-led mediation process, the political environment in Zimbabwe remains repressive. Meanwhile, the civil society organisations have rejected the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Number 18, which was recently passed by Parliament with the support of both the MDC and ZANU-PF.

According to a communiqué endorsed by over 930 representatives from about 26 civil society organisations that attended 'The National All Stakeholders Constitutional Conference' in Bulawayo, the meeting resolved that the SADC mediation had not taken into account the input of ordinary Zimbabweans as represented by civil society organisations.

"And therefore (it) is flawed by way of process as well as by the levels of secrecy that have characterised it. We therefore call upon SADC and in particular President Mbeki of South Africa to accept the principle that the future of Zimbabwe cannot be resolved by secret talks between MDC and ZANU-PF," they stated.

"In this respect, we do not accept the exclusion of civil society and other political parties from the current SADC talks. Despite the SADC-led mediation process the political environment in Zimbabwe remains repressive. Without recognition of the rights of the people of Zimbabwe to freedom of association and freedom of expression wherein human rights defenders, civil society activists are still being targeted through unlawful detention and harassment."

They stated that Zimbabweans continued to live in economic circumstances that remained inhuman and demanded the recognition of their rights to sustainable livelihoods through social and economic justice.

"As civil society organisations, we shall remain united and open to dialogue with any Zimbabwean on issues that are of importance to the future of the country whilst remaining accountable and consistent with the principle of a people driven constitution reform process and promises of the liberation war of jobs and equal opportunity," they stated.

The civil society organisations reiterated their demand for a new, democratic and people-driven constitution as a foundation for resolving the crises in the country.

"We totally reject the piecemeal amendment to the current constitution. Accordingly, we reject Constitutional Amendment Number 18 and any further piecemeal amendments to the current constitution," they stated. "We regard recent events surrounding the passing of Amendment 18 as a serious infringement of our principle that a new constitution must be derived from a people driven process.

"We shall therefore communicate to political parties involved in these processes our displeasure at this serious breach of principle and ask them in both word and actions to retract their position and reaffirm their commitment to this principle."

Civil society organisations that endorsed the communiqué include Save Zimbabwe, Christian Alliance, National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, Zimbabwe Election Support Network, National Constitution Assembly, Women of Zimbabwe Arise, Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, Zimbabwe Youth Movement, Bulawayo Agenda, Human Rights NGO forum, ZIMRIGHTS and MISA-Zimbabwe among others.

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