
Friday, October 26, 2007

Task Force currently probing cases in Europe - Makayi

Task Force currently probing cases in Europe - Makayi
By Noel Sichalwe
Friday October 26, 2007 [04:00]

TASK Force spokesperson Victor Makayi yesterday said senior Zambian investigators are currently in Europe working on various outstanding cases including the alleged frauds at ZCCM between 1991 and 2001. In a statement, Makayi said that the Task Force had fostered closer contacts with the International Centre for Assets Recovery in Switzerland with the view of tracing plundered Zambian assets. He also said recently, officers from the Serious Fraud in London had a working visit to Zambia.

He said Task Force chairman Maxwell Nkole was happy with the growing international cooperation in the area of asset recovery and investigations.

Makayi said the Task Force on corruption has traced assets worth over K116 billion which were either plundered, stolen or unlawfully obtained between 1991 and 2001.

He said out of the total recoveries, about K85 billion worth of assets plundered have been surrendered to the state for disposal.
“There has been recorded cash and other asset recoveries at home and abroad, including the 30 Belgium apartments worth over US $8 million.

Cash recovered through Task Force investigations has normally been surrendered to the Ministry of Finance Asset Recovery Account kept with Bank of Zambia. Government would soon decide what to do with the proceeds of Task Force successful asset recovery programme,” stated Makayi.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Govermnt should just sale those recovered assets and invest the money in quality education. Government has to construct at least 9 universities. Lusaka province can have 2 Universities...the same goes for Central and Copperbelt provinces. The rest of the provinces...should have 1 varsity.


  2. They could to that, and certainly Zambia needs more colleges, as well as high schools and primary schools.

    I think the way to do it is to limit the size of central government (like eliminate about 20 ministries, and many foreign missions/embassies, as well as trips abroad for the President).
